Alex: Ok, that tastes like crap.
Izzie: Alex.
Alex: The shrimp tastes sweet and spicy. Kind of like our first date. The good part, the part before I didn't kiss you on the porch.
Izzie: Ok, nice.
Alex: The chicken, tastes like a drive to the beach with the windows down and the dog hanging out the window. Like when you're a kid. It's salty. Tastes good. But, I'd definitely vote for the shrimp if we have to choose.
Izzie: There's one more.
Alex: Ok, yeah. Yeah, that tastes like crap!
Bailey: Ok, the OR's prepped and ready. How 'bout you?
Izzie: Yeah, I'm ready. (Alex kisses her) Now, that tastes like crap.

MEREDITH: "Poor Marshall. I mean, one minute you're a surgeon and the next, you destroyed an entire family."
IZZIE: "Last month I fell asleep in a parking lot, on a bench. I literally couldn't even make it to the car."
MEREDITH: "I fell asleep in a restaurant, at a table while I was on a date."
CRISTINA: "I fell asleep during sex."
GEORGE: [enters room, looks at Izzie] "Calli is looking for you... you could have told her you were busy-"
IZZIE: "Oh, please don't talk to me about standards. The girl couldn't even wash her hands!" [laughs]
CRISTINA: [to Meredith] "Don't worry about Bambi. If Burke can forgive me for falling asleep during sex, Bambi can forgive you for crying."
MEREDITH: "But Burke hasn't forgiven you."

GEORGE: "Is Meredith the only person in the hospital who doesn’t know the size of this thing?"
IZZIE: "I’m telling her."
CRISTINA: "You can’t. She’s gone already."
IZZIE: "What? Already?"
CRISTINA: "I think she had, excuse me, an errand to run."
IZZIE: "You don’t think Meredith’s really going to mind about the party, right?"
GEORGE: "I want you to make it very clear to her that I had nothing to do with this party. Nothing."

Izzie: You want lessons, huh?
Alex: I want lessons.
Izzie: Okay. You start with 'Isobel Stevens, you are staggeringly good in bed. You are amazingly smart, wonderfully funny, and you care about animals.'
Alex: That's where I start?
Izzie: Mmm. And then you say 'Do you wanna go steady with me?'
Alex: That's what I would say if it was 1952.
Izzie: Alex? Do you wanna go steady with me.
Alex: If that's what you want, I mean yeah, whatever.

Izzie: Good job everybody.
Intern: That's it?
Intern: After the last contest, we got a prize.
Intern: Yeah, what's our prize?
Izzie: You think every time you diagnose a patient and hand someone a death sentence, there's a prize? The prize is, you didn't screw it up this time. The prize is, you people actually did something right. The prize is, you were doctors today. You were doctors. That is the prize!

Izzie: Ok, Mr Trinidad you shunt revision is pretty simple. It shouldn't take longer than an hour. But, I do need to go over the possible complications with you.
Alex: Dr Steven's, can I have a word.
Izzie: Ah, if you could just give me a minute here till I'm done Dr Karev.
Alex: I'm sorry, this will only take a minute.
Izzie: Excuse me.... What?
Alex: How are you holding up?
Izzie: Fine.
Alex: Did you take your meds this morning?
Izzie: Not yet but I will.
Alex: You're supposed to take them at 9.
Izzie: it's only a little after 9.
Alex: It's 10:15. Run down to her locker and get her meds. Are they in your purse?
Izzie: Yes, but you don't have to get them.
Alex: Yes you do.
Izzie: No you don't. Alex.
Alex: I swear to god if you don't go and get her pills right now, I'm gonna hurt you, and I'm gonna like it.

GEORGE: "Fair hours! Fair wages! Fair hours! Fair wages!"
IZZIE: "Way to get your strike on."
GEORGE: "I shouldn't even be seen talking to you."

MIRANDA: "When you see her, you’ll know what to do. It must be nice to know she has parents like this, that fight for her, think about what she wants, trying to make her happy, like you would. Doesn’t mean you don’t want that girl to want you."
IZZIE: "Yeah."

IZZIE: "Why do you do that?"
ALEX: "Do what?"
IZZIE: "Act like an ass whenever any one but me is around. They hate you enough as it is."

MIRANDA: "You want to tell me what that was all about?"
IZZIE: "Nothing. He's probably just crazy or something... Bethany Whisper."
MIRANDA: "What?"
IZZIE: "Bethany Whisper. I did a new Bethany Whisper lingerie ad, he saw it in a magazine."
MIRANDA: "You had time to pose for magazines?"
IZZIE: "No, the shoot was last year, it just came out.
MIRANDA: "So, because he saw you in a thong..."
IZZIE: "No! It was not a thong!"
MIRANDA: "You're hiding out in the hallway?"
IZZIE: "I just think it might be easier if you assign another intern."
MIRANDA: "Easy is not in your job description. You are a doctor. He is a patient. He's your patient! Biopsy these! If they come back positive, I expect to see you in surgery. You're on this! You hear me? "

IZZIE: "Mr. Sturman, and how are you feeling?"
MR. STURMAN: "Pretty okay, except I don't think I ever want to have a bowel obstruction again."
IZZIE: "Really? Wow. Because we get people in here all the time requesting them."

Meredith: What's this patient X thing that's taking all the interns?
Cristina: Yeah, and when's it gonna be over? I need minions to do my crap work!
Alex: It's some new teaching thing.
Cristina: We're all killing ourselves to get into the OR. When's the last time Izzie held a scalpel? She's falling behind. She's like the new O'Malley.
Alex: Izzie's nothing like O'Malley.
George: Hello?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
