Drama: I'm on a no sex thing until I book Melrose
Brittney's Friend: That's too bad... kidding!

Lloyd: ...but you'd have to test with the network
Drama: How many other people are testing?
Lloyd: They have no one else right now
Drama: I like those odds

Turtle [on the phone]: Do I look weird today?
Drama: Like I memorize how you look morning

Drama: Is this guy Masad or what?
Turtle: Aren't all Israelis?

Slaon is all powerful... she stops him from getting pussy and won't give him any

Sloan: I have your pairings here, I hope you're not bummed. It was difficult. I placed Vincent and Johnny together.
Drama: Why wouldn't you!?
Sloan: With Tom Brady and Mark Wahlberg...
Ari: Gee, who's the ugliest person on that foursome? Think fast

Vince: I'd just be happy to avoid a Razzie
Drama: There's nothing wrong with a Razzie
Turtle: Johnny's gonna go for the hat trick if he ever does another movie
Drama: I only have one Razzie, asshole

Pussy can smell other pussy and they have to pounce on it. That's why when you're on a hot streak you go to press it. Just like in blackjack.

Ronnie: He's a degenerate gambler.
Drama: So why would I want to invest with him?
Ronnie: He's in the program now!

Drama: I'll give you tips on how to audition, bro.
Turtle: He needs tips on how to successfully audition!

Eric: That's quite an entrance, Ari.
Ari: It's nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to this kraut director!
Drama: It's either you or me, and if it's me, I'm going in blazing!

Drama: There's the director.
Turtle: Should I just gun it and run him over?
Drama: Or should we take the slow and painful approach and piss in his OJ?

Entourage Quotes

They drive that way in Tienanmen Square, bitch?


Turtle: Kristin's fucking Vince Vaughn!
Eric: What are you talking about? She's back with that restaurant guy...
Turtle: She was in the middle of 40 Deuce with her hands down Vince Vaughn's pants.
Eric: She had her hands down his pants?!
Drama: Yeah, both of 'em.
Eric: Vince Vaughn?! That puffy motherfucker?!
Drama: Nah, bro, he didn't look puffy at all. He was looking real good.
Turtle: Yeah, it was kinda like "Swingers" Vince Vaughn, not Old School Vince Vaughn... it's kinda like New School Vince Vaughn

Entourage Music

  Song Artist
Song Lemon And Lime Daniel Lenz
Soul Of A Man Beck iTunes
Song Shutterbugg Big Boi iTunes