Jules: You smell nice.
Dr. Evans: That's the smell of confidence.

Jules: You suck at musical beers.
Grayson: This is my bar damn it.

Laurie: If Matt Damon weren't married and if he weren't a movie star and if he lived this town, we would totally date.
Jules: That's a lot of if's.
Ellie: Yeah, not enough.

Jules [with her shirt up]: Hey Trav!
Travis: Shirt down, then hey Trav
Jules [pulls down shirt]: Hey Trav!
Travis: Too, late scarred for life
Jules: These used to feed you!

Barb: I know I'm being really rude, but I'm really hungry and if you're not gonna eat that...
Jules: My omelet?
[Barb points to Josh]

Jules: I'm guessing the boy I flashed goes to your school
Travis: Yes he does
Jules: Is he single? ... Kidding! Why don't you ever laugh at my jokes?
Travis: Because they make me sad

Jules: It it so much harder to be a single woman.
Laurie: So much harder, do you read Kathy?

Jules: Hey - why'd you do that?
Grayson: Why not?

Ellie: If you don't stop with the hazelnut, I'm gonna make my own coffee
Jules: No you won't
Elie: You're right, even saying it was too much work

Jules: You work that hoes b**ch.
Grayson: You're weird Jules.
Jules: Weird like a fox.

Ryan is super pretty and he's not at all afraid of cologne.

Andy: It's never that hard for me.
Jules: That's what he said!

Cougar Town Quotes

Jules: You see that young gentleman there, I'd love to lick his body
Woman: That's my son
Jules: Ooh, he looks smart

Jules: When a 40-something guy gets divorced, it's always: "Way to go, Tiger!"
Grayson: We don't call each other Tiger. It's always Champ, or Samurai.