Leela: Hey, guys! Look what I bought on a wild impulse: New boots! They're like my old ones but with a crazy green stripe! Whoo! Never know what I'm gonna do next!

Bender: Well I'm not doing it! It's a robot holiday.
Fry: Really? Which one?
Bender: Only Robannukah, the holiest two weeks on the robot calendar.
Leela: Oh, come on, Bender. Last month it was "Robomadom" and before that "Robonza".
Fry: Man, that one was a blast!
Bender: It wasn't just "a blast". It was a sacred tribute to my ancestral prototypes which happened to take the form of a drinking contest.

Leela: We'll have to walk like robots, talk like robots and, if necessary, solve complex differential equations like robots.
Fry: I can sorta dance like a robot. Will that help?

Fry: I know Big Vinnie said he was giving me the kiss of death but I still think he was gay.
Leela: Did he use his tongue?
Fry: A little.

Leela: What are we gonna do? Fry can't pretend to be both our boyfriends.
Fry: Sure I can. I learned how to handle delicate social situations from a little show called Three's Company.
Zapp: I'd like to impose a toast on the happy couple. Down the hatch!
Mrs. Wong: Hear, hear! Now let's have a kiss!
Zapp: Yes, Fry. Plant one on your woman.
Fry: Um, let me think. Come and knock on our door, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh. Uh, Mr. Roper-
Mr. Wong: What's the hold up? Kiss my daughter already!
Farnsworth: Wait, I'm confused. Now tell me, Fry, which one of these ladies are you involved with?
Fry: Uh... (He hums the theme to Three's Company again)

Leela: What you did to Guenter was cruel. At the risk of sounding like an after-school special, I think we learned who the real animal was today.
Fry: You mean peer pressure?

Fry: Man, we look stupid. We should've gotten store-bought costumes.
Leela: Yeah, but there wasn't a Woolworth's in this quadrant.

Leela: Didn't you have ad's in the 20th century?
Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree!

Guard-bot #2: Be you robot or human?
Leela: Robot... we be.
Fry: Uh, yup. Just two robots out robot-ing it up!

Leela: Bender, why did you jump in?
Bender: Everybody was doing it. I just wanted to be popular.

Leela: You're Fry's relative. Do you have any idea how he got so crazy?
Prof. Farnsworth: Uh, what? Oh, yeah, they say madness runs in our family. Some even call me mad. And why? Because I dared to dream of my own race of atomic monsters, atomic supermen with octagonal shaped bodies that suck blood...

Telephone voice: Collect call from-
Bender: I'm not giving my name to a machine!
Leela: I'll accept.

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!