You know this whole ordeal has made me realize something that I didn't expect. It's helped me better understand your choices. I always thought I had a sense of how you felt at the time, Gibbs. Now I realize I wasn't close. I never wanted that kind of justice before, but since the other night....hell, that's all I think about. Was it worth it, Gibbs? It had to be some relief.

Jackie Vance: So this is why you had to be in the office so early? Garfield shipped Nermal to the Kremlin again?
Leon Vance: Lasagna shortage in Damascus.

Leon Vance: So. We'll still have the house to ourselves after dinner right?
Jackie Vance: You had your shot, baby.

Leroy Gibbs: Leon?
Leon Vance: She's dead. My wife is dead, Gibbs.

(Ziva is driving and turns aggressively)
Vance: Most fathers teach their daughters how to drive. I have you to blame for this?
Eli: This she learned from her mother.

Vance: You really screwed me here.
Eli: You think I wanted the assassins to follow me?
Vance: I think you told them where to find you.
Eli: He is a splinter in my toe, Leon. He has been for years. If I do not extract him now, it could become infected.
Vance: That's nasty, Eli.
Eli: Yet, illustrative.

Vance: Agent David, have you ever been to Zurich?
Ziva: Several times.
Vance: Good. Today you're Switzerland. Between England and the U.S.

Vance (on the phone): I'm not happy about it either, Eli. Gibbs is an awful son-of-a-bitch - you might think he's a thorn in your side, but he's a pain in my ass!
Eli David: He is a thief for stealing my daughter!
Vance: I know you're upset, I know she's your daughter. I will continue to deal with it. You have to believe - I am your ally, here.
Eli David: Show me!
Vance: I will deal with Gibbs. But she has chosen to deal with Gibbs, too.
Eli David: This is not the last conversation we will have on this subject!
Vance: Shalom, Eli.

Vance: Bad cop?
Gibbs: You've been playing good cop all this time?

Gibbs: You're superstitious?
Vance: I'm a little stitious.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?