Lester: Hey! How was the big date?
Big Mike: Gentlemen. It was a night of exquisite passion. I did things with that woman I didn't even know existed, which are likely illegal.
Lester: Yes! So you took our advice?
Big Mike: I lied my ass off.

(Casey and Chuck rush to the back of the store, knocking over a cardboard cutout in their way.)
Lester: Hey that's my Tyler Martin display! He is a hero of mine, John--
(Casey shoves Lester into the refrigerator he's showing a customer)
Chuck: Sorry Lester, emergency!
Lester: (muffled) 'Tsalright.
(Chuck slams the door)

Lester: How much do you think a toe is worth to Casey?
Jeff: Why?
Lester: Maybe there's a finder's fee.

Ned: Chuck, you've been a good friend to me, so I'm gonna return the favor, I'm gonna let your girlfriend go.
Chuck: No.
Ellie: Chuck.
Jeff: Ouch!
Lester: Yikes, you get cold Christmases at the Bartowski's.
Buy More Employee: Oh no, he didn't.

Chuck: (to Morgan about a Nerd Herd car) I need a Nerd Herd.
Lester: No. Emmett found Jeff's underwear on the back seat and he's having them all re-upholstered as a safety precaution.

Devon: Hey Lester, have you seen Chuck?
Lester: Maybe.
Devon: So is he around?
Lester: Could be.
Devon: Can you find him for me?
Lester: Yeah, sure, I could, but wouldn't it be more fulfilling for you if you did it yourself? Yeah. Look, I'm so sorry, it's this stupid store contest. I can help you but do me a solid and do not mention it on this card. Yes? Thank you buddy.

Morgan: Alright, just to be absolutely clear, our position on "Employee of the Month" is that we don't care. Are you guys with me?
Jeff: Yep. Not caring. Not a rat's ass.
Lester: Not a fat and/or hairy one.
Jeff: Wait, why don't we care again?
Morgan: Because "Employee of the Month" is a scam and working hard is for suckers.

(Morgan is trapped in the Buy More Door)
Morgan: Jeff, open the door, buddy.
Lester: Open the door.
Jeff: Got it.
(The outer door opens)
Morgan: Okay. Nice, Jeff. Now can you open the door that is currently chopping me in half?

Morgan: Are you guys ready?
Lester: I was born ready.
Jeff: I was born premature.

Captain Awesome: Okay, so how did everyone come with their chest compression?
(Captain Awesome walks into the room and sees Buy More employees beating up their aquatic dolls.)
Captain Awesome: Come on guys, what's wrong with you?
Jeff: I drink too much.
Lester: My parents had impossible standards.

I'm too young, upwardly mobile, and handsome to die.

Lester [to Morgan about Hannah]: How'd it go last night?
Jeff: You take her to pound town?
Lester: I'm gonna need an address on that.

Chuck Quotes

Sarah: Wow, I didn't think people still named their kids Chuck. Or Morgan, for that matter.
Chuck: My parents were sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster.
Morgan: But they raised me as one of their own!

Chuck: Uh, you know, Sis, the thing is, Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting in...at my birthday party...'cause we don't know anybody, 'cause they're all your friends, and they all happen to be doctors.
Morgan: Doctors who don't really get our jokes!
Chuck: Well, your jokes

Chuck Music

  Song Artist
Wait It Out Imogen Heap iTunes
Black and Gold Sam Sparro iTunes
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) Kenny Rogers iTunes