Chuck: The idea of unconditional love is as quaint as the Tooth Fairy or environmentally-friendly drycleaning.
Lily: Not when you're a parent. Look you might only be my son by marriage, Charles, but I've always loved you as my own. And I hope you get the opportunity to feel that with someone some day.

Nate: What are your plans for the summer, Mrs. Humphrey?
Lily: Well I'm going to be getting very pale. This thing doesn't come off until the fall. Just in time to send my baby off to college.
Eric: Sarah Lawrence is like 15 minutes. I don't really think I need to be sent off. A light breeze could take me there.

Lily: There's nothing wrong with having Chinese food on Thanksgiving.
Serena: What?!
Lily: Jews have been doing it on Christmas since forever. Look, a pumpkin! It's festive, yes?
Serena: We're gonna eat a pumpkin?

Chuck: I can't believe you'd want this to become public knowledge.
Lily: What is that?
Chuck: Oh, it's exactly what you think it is.
Lily: But my mother—
Chuck: Lied to you. And Mr. Tyler. Judging by the look on your face, I'm guessing it wasn't your idea to come clean.

Wait, let me at least fix my make-up.

Young Lily

Alison: I think we're splitting hairs here, Rufus. An emotional affair is just as bad as a physical one.
Lily: Oh, please. Nobody's buying that. Emotional affairs are necessary to keep a marriage alive.
Alison: And how many times have you been divorced?
Rufus: Alison, this is not about Lily. It's about you and me.
Alison: Exactly! And if we're going to have any chance, then she can't be here.

I figured social climbing would be more fulfilling.

Lily: If you're looking for Bart's will, you don't have to worry.
Chuck: I'm not. But you should be. I'm trying to find your file.
Lily: Well it's not here so you can stop ransacking the place and look at me.
Chuck: I can't look at you, Lily. You disgust me.

But being us is awesome!

Young Lily

Lily: We're doing comfort food: nobody is comforted by a tuna tower.

It makes jokes. Cute.

I never thought my life would turn out this way.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.