Lily: These smell great.
Eric: Yes, so we can starve in a fragrant hotel room.
Serena: We're not starving. Look, I got us into this mess and I'm gonna get us out of it.
Lily: Elaborate, Serena.
Serena: Thanksgiving at the Humphreys. Dan invited me and Eric's friends with his sister and his dad's really cool.
Eric: Awesome, I'm leaving the pumpkin.
Serena: What do you say, mom?

I can't believe we're all here on a Saturday night. That's a lot of canceled restaurant reservations.

Rufus: What are you doing? Organizing the coat closet? I thought you did that yesterday. And the day before...
Lily: Vanya has organized a clothing drive. Coats for Kiev.
Rufus: Vanya's from Minsk.

Lily: Oh! Blair, Dorota. What are you doing here?
Blair: Just bringing a little tradition. I'm spending the holidays with Daddy and Roman in Paris. I figured since we usually spend this day together that, you know, um... Is Serena here?
We thought she was with you.
Blair: No, I haven't seen her since Chuck's party. She never came home.
Eric: Okay, alright. Now I'm worried.
Lily: Charles?
Chuck: She's not at The Empire.
Lily: Well then where the hell is she?

Lily: I saw your father today.
Jenny: I had a feeling.

Young Lily: Do I look like I'm wearing a Halloween costume?
Owen: No ... you look good.

For gods sake, Carol. It's a necklace, not a heroin needle.

Rufus: So, what did you think about it?
Lillian: I thought. (Pause) It was extraordinary

Lily: I'm sorry we haven't spoken since the Ball. I really appreciate your messages.
Rufus: All I want to say is that I'm here. If you want me to keep my distance I can do that too. I um, can't imagine what you're going through.
Lily: Actually you can better than anyone else can. Everyone's so concerned about the grieving widow. But as much as I feel shock and loss, mostly I feel guilt.

Lily: What are you doing? Do you realize how gauche it is to open gifts at a party? Before dessert!
Eric: I was just so excited to have an addition to my stock portfolio.

What a nice photo. Remind me to send a thank-you note to the photo editor.

Serena, as usual you're being overly dramatic. I'm not marrying Bart. This is very casual. And, regardless, I'm not asking for your permission.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.