Bree: Um, we, uh, just came over to introduce ourselves, but we can, um, do that at another time.
Tom: No, wait. Please stay. It's okay. We're okay. We're okay, right? Honey, we don't wanna freak out the new neighbors.
Lynette: I'm sorry that you saw my panic attack. I won't let it happen again, especially since this is my last pregnancy.
Tom: Right. You're the boss. I'm just your love slave.
Susan/Mary Alice: Aw.
Lynette: Well, don't encourage him.
Tom: Honey, clearly, our new neighbors see that you have been gifted with a phenomenal husband.

Lynette: Hi.
Tom: Hi.
Mary Alice: Hi, uh, we just wanted to come welcome you to the neighborhood.
Bree: Um, but we could come back later.
Lynette: Yeah. No, wait. Actually, wait. This is perfect. You know why? Because we need some impartial judges.
Tom: Lynette...
Lynette: Let's suppose your husband begged you to get pregnant-- begged you--and out of the goodness of your heart, you agreed, even though it might derail your career.
You agreed to a baby. A baby, singular.
Tom: Lynette, we've just met these people.

Rex: Feel free to be harsh.
Mary Alice: Um, No, I'm... I'm good.
Bree: Well, now that we've finished with all this unpleasantness, I want to assure you that we are going to be good neighbors, and I hope in time, great friends.
Mary Alice: That sounds... lovely.
Bree: (to Andrew) Come on.
Mary Alice: Oh, wait. I'm--I'm sorry. It was Rex, Andrew and... what was your name again?

Susan: Hey, what's going on?
Mary Alice: Oh, um, this is our new neighbor. It seems her son accidentally took my garden frog.
Susan: Oh.
Bree: Please don't make excuses for him. That is exactly what his father does. Rex!

Bree: Hello. I'm Bree Van de Kamp, your new neighbor. Is this your frog?
Mary Alice: Yes. Why?
Bree: Well, it seems that my son stole it from your yard.
Mary Alice: Oh, well, I don't mind. If he likes it so much, he's welcome to keep it.
Bree: Well, don't tell him that. If he doesn't feel guilty he'll never learn shame.

I met Bree Van de Kamp the first day she moved to Wisteria Lane. There are certain people, who, when you meet them, can't help but make a delightful first impression.

Susan: Oh, hi. I have a normal baby.
Mary Alice: I'm Mary Alice. I live across the street.
Susan: Susan Mayer. Thank you so much. If my husband had to rescue me, I just, I would have never heard the end of it. He thinks I'm a total klutz.
Mary Alice: Oh, please, that's what neighbors are for. Well, welcome to Wisteria Lane. When you're finished unpacking, why don't you come over for a cup of coffee?
Susan: Oh, wow! I have a neighbor who just asked me over for coffee. I'm sorry. You must think I'm a lunatic.
Mary Alice: Oh, no, no, I don't. I think you're charming. And your baby looks like a genius to me.
Susan: Oh, she is and we're gonna be so happy here. (gasps to Julie) Look at your new home.

Mary Alice: We all met Lynette Scavo the day she moved on to Wisteria Lane. We quickly decided she would be our friend. Mostly because we were afraid to have her as an enemy.
(Tom and Lynette are arguing loudly.)
Lynette: This is perfect because we need some impartial judgement. Let's suppose your husband begged you to get pregnant, begged you and out of the goodness of your heart you agreed to a baby. Even though it might derail your career, you agreed to a baby. A baby, singular! Then, then you go in for an ultrasound and you hear two heartbeats, then and only then does your husband tell you that twins run in his family. So I ask you: do I not deserve to punish this man severely?
Susan: Well, I think that twins are genetically determined by the mother.
Lynette: What are you?! A scientist?!

I met Susan Mayer the day she moved to Wisteria Lane. She seemed so delightfully confident, I couldn't help but feel intimidated. That feeling... (shot of Susan falling down into the truck and locking herself up)... quickly passed.


We met Gabrielle Solis the day she moved to Wisteria Lane. We were all excited to get a glimpse of a successful New York model.

Something awful happened on Lake View Drive last year. To understand why, you need to know that when Alma Hodge awoke that morning, she had no idea this would be the day she'd leave her husband. Certainly, it began normally enough. She put away the groceries per his instructions. She hung his dry cleaning exactly as he had requested. She folded the towels just as he had taught her. It was just before noon, when something inside Alma broke and she decided it was time to fly away. Of course she knew better than to say this to her husband. He thought Alma was happy. And Orson Hodge did not like to be contradicted. So she waited 'til he left for work. And then.... The next day Carolyn Bigsby stopped by, and like most nosy neighbors, she knew you learned more if you didn't knock. Yes, Orson Hodge was a man who did not like to be contradicted.... by anyone.

Mary Alice: It doesn't rain very often in the town of Fairview. But when it does, it pours. It was on just such a day that Bree Van De Kamp went on her first date with her new friendOrson Hodge. A date that ended with a kiss in the rain. This occurred just as Gabrielle Solis was conferring with her new divorce lawyer, and describing in vivid detail her husband's affairwith their maid, who also happened to betheir surrogate. Meanwhile, Lynette Scavo was busy meeting her husband's illegitimate daughter, while resisting the urge to strangle the girl's mother. This happened just after Susan Mayer learned Mike Delfino had been badly injured in a hit-and-run accident, and was now in a coma at Fairview Memorial Hospital. At that same moment, Edie Britt was putting up a "For Sale" sign on the lawn of the house where I once lived. Edie had also planned to spruce up the property by washing down the driveway, but she was pleased to see the rain had already taken care of that. This is what rainy days are good for: they make everything clean again, which is necessary on a street like Wisteria Lane, where everything can get so messy.

Desperate Housewives Quotes

Dr. Barr: Hey there. I was surprised to hear you wanted a session.
Bree: Well, there's nothing like being tied to a bed to change a girl's mind.
Dr. Barr: What do you wanna talk about?
Bree: Anything at all. As you said, I...I have a lot of issues.
Dr. Barr: Well, I assumed as much when you told the ridiculous story about your daughter running off with a murderer.
Bree: Saw right through that, did ya?
Dr. Barr: Well, I'm a trained professional, Bree. The human mind is my playground.
Bree: Well, I'm glad that you're having fun.

(to dead body) "Tu me manques, Monique" ("I Miss You Monique").
