Cristina: Anything?
Meredith: Nope. There was a papillary muscle rupture in the CCU but the guy died before they could get him into the OR.
Cristina: Crap! I need surgeries and I need them now. I've already had 100 hours in the OR this month, and you know they keep the residents with the most hours.

Cristina: I'm sorry. I don't have time for games. I have to get back to the hospital.
Meredith: She's right, she does have to go back to the hospital.
Derek: We're not gonna talk about the hospital, we're here to play baseball.
Mark: And to drink beer. Drink your beer. What more do you want in life?
Lexie: I'm not gonna drink beer when all my friends just got fired.

Owen: Rough day.
Derek: Oh, I need some sleep.
Owen: Ok, lets go home.
Cristina: I can't. I just got kicked off of pead's. I'm totally screwed.
Owen: Cristina come on...
Cristina: No, I can't sleep. I can't.
Meredith: (Der kisses her head) I can't leave if she's not leaving.

Meredith: Hey.
Derek: Hey.
Meredith: How'd it go with the Chief?
Derek: Richard's not talking to me.
Meredith: What? Why?
Derek: I don't know. He's just... He's not himself.
Meredith: Well, what's he doing?
Derek: He's hiding out.
Meredith: Mmmm.
Derek: How are you holding up? Hmmm? (Kisses her) You've been up for like, what... 36 hours?
Meredith: 48. But, I'm good actually. I feel like it's all gonna be ok. Like we're all gonna keep our jobs, and we're all gonna be amazing people, and live amazing lives. (feels her forehead, Mer giggles) Unstable childhood.
Derek: (Smiles) Ah, yes.
Meredith: I get calm in a crisis. This is a crisis right?
Derek: I don't know. I don't know what this is.

Paranoia gives you an edge in the OR. Surgeons play out worst-case scenarios in their heads. You're ready to close, you got the bleeder. You know it but there's that voice in your head asking. What if you didn't? What if the patient dies and you could have prevented it? So you check your work one more time before you close. Paranoia is a surgeon's best friend.

Alex: Woah.
Izzie: Oh my god Derek!
Derek: Hey, Hi!
Alex: Dude, get a room!
Izzie: On the stairs? Doesn't that hurt?
Meredith: Leave us alone, we're newly weds.
Izzie: A post it wedding does not make you newlyweds.
Derek: You know what... you're newlyweds too. You need your own space.
Alex: Dude, what are these?
Derek: Key's to my trailer, your new home. Enjoy.

Derek: Hey.
Meredith: Hey.
Derek: Need to go home?
Meredith: No.
Derek: Did you eat?
Meredith: No.
Derek: Can you eat?
Meredith: No.
Derek: You should cry.
Meredith: No.
Derek: Maybe if you cry you'll feel better.
Meredith: I... you just... just you being here is... and don't say anything. Just be here. That... that helps. How are you?
Alex: Meredith, we need you.
Meredith: Ok, excuse me.

Alex: Woah, woah... she wants it out. Can't we take it out?
Cristina: She's breathing over the vent.
Richard: Alright, let's pull out the tube.
Meredith: (appears) Dr. Bailey...

Alex: You'll be okay.
Meredith: Me? This is about you. You think this is noble, what you're doing? It isn't. It's giving up. And it's buying into everything you've ever said about yourself, and I won't let you do it.
Alex: You'll be fine.
Meredith: You are not going to jail.
Alex: You'll be just be fine.
Meredith: Stop making this about me. Stop using me as an excuse to make yourself feel better. Of course I will be be fine. I'm always fine. Don't you know that? This is about you. You will be destroyed. Your life, your career, everything... will be finished. Who you are will be gone.

Amanda: Is he gonna be ok?
Meredith: We'll know more in the morning. Go ahead.

Meredith: Hey there, I know this must be scary. But, if it's any consolation you're a hardcore hero. You saved that woman's life. (john doe grabs Mer's hand and tries to write something) Is he trying to write something? (tries to give him a pen) Can you hold this? (he's too weak. Mer grabs his hand) Ok, you'll be stronger tomorrow.
Owen: Call OR 1, tell them to get ready for him.
Meredith: Ok.

Mark: Woah.
Callie: Man versus bus.
Mark: Bus won.
Callie: Check out the left arm.
Meredith: He's crashing again.
Derek: What have we got?
Mark: We've got road kill.
Owen: Do you mind. He stepped out in front of a moving bus so could save a woman, he's a hero.
Callie: Can you fix the arm?
Mark: His fingers are already blue, if it's gonna happen... it's gotta happen in the next few hours.
Derek: Pupils blown, stop CPR. Ok, give me a cranial drill please. Grey, wanna practice your burr holes? (Mer nods her head) Stabilize his neck please. 10 blade. Take the drill. Ok, go in slowly, and when you feel it grab stop. Because otherwise you're gonna be hitting the brain. Ok, lets go, quickly.
Owen: Nice work Dr. Grey.
Mark: I'm gonna go get some bassi trays for that face.
Derek: Get his head rotated. Easy.
Meredith: Welcome back Sir, you had us worried there for a minute.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
