Bailey: Any changes overnight?
Cristina: No.
Bailey: (pager goes off) Somebody had better go make a coffee run, you all look like hell.
George: I've gotta be in surgery in 10 minutes. Um, Mer, will you let me know?
Meredith: Yeah. We should go too. It's probably gonna be a while.
Alex: Shepherd said she'd wake up in the morning. What did he tell you? Was that all crap? What did he say?
Meredith: He said it may be a while.
Cristina: She's gonna wake up.

Izzie: You can do it. You can cut into my brain again.
Derek: Ok.
Izzie: You can do it, but I don't wanna end up a vegetable.
Meredith: Izzie you won't.
Izzie: No, just listen. I want the surgery right now, but if something goes wrong I don't wanna end up on a ventilator. So, I'm signing a DNR.

Meredith: We need to go talk to Izzie.
Cristina: No, we are not talking Izzie into having surgery because your future husband is mad at you.
Meredith: But he has a right to be mad, because we didn't talk Izzie out of surgery as her doctors we did it as her friends.
Cristina: Our job as doctors is to present the options, answer questions, and let the patients decide the course of treatment. That is what we did.
Meredith: Right. Except I may have presented her options as, "You're having this surgery, over my dead body!" He has a right to be mad.
Cristina: Crap!
Meredith: Who is it?
Cristina: Come on.

Meredith: My mother disappeared right in front of me. Everything she had, everything she was. Her dignity, her memory. In the end she wasn't even my mother anymore.
Derek: Izzie is not your mother. She doesn't have an untreatable brain condition. She has a tumor, and it can be treated. Don't make this personal Meredith.
Meredith: I wasn't.
Derek: You went to Izzie, as a friend, and you made up her mind for her. So, now as my resident, you go back there and change it! Because this tumor will kill her!

Meredith: You couldn't remember anything. You didn't know my name. You didn't know who Derek was. (Mer tears up) You didn't know who Alex was. You couldn't even remember how to speak.
Izzie: How come I don't remember any of this.
Meredith: Because, the tumor is sitting right in the middle of everything that makes you, you. I was standing there talking to you exactly like i am now, only you weren't there. You weren't you. You were gone.
Izzie: So, what do I do?
Meredith: Well, Swinder has a patient. Female, 22 years old, metastatic melanoma.
Izzie: Allison Clarke?
Meredith: After 3 months of the IL2 her mets were gone. All of them. You're not having this surgery.

Swinder: The test impaired your memory to such a degree that I have to strongly recommend that you don't have the surgery.
Derek: Izzie, the test was the worst case scenario. The result has nothing to do with the surgery.
Swinder: We don't know that.
Derek: But what I do know is that not operating is every bit as risky as the surgery itself. If not more. But, it's up to you.
Izzie: What do you think?
Alex: I think he's talking to you, not me.
Derek: I'll leave you two alone to discuss this.
Alex: Ah, I'll come with you. I have a couple of questions.
Izzie: Wait, Alex.
Alex: Think about what you want to do for a second, ok? I'll be right back.
(everyone but Mer leaves the room. Mer closes the door)
Meredith: You are not having the surgery!

Derek: Now we just wait for the brain activity in that area to stop.
Izzie: Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, hou....
Meredith: (Der nods to Mer) Ok Izz. Can you tell me what you saw?
Izzie: eh...
Derek: (Mer looks at him scared) Show her the cards.
Meredith: What's this? (Izzie looks at the card) Dog. Can you say dog?
Izzie: (Tries to speak) Nnn... ah.. nnnyahhh...
Meredith: Well, what's my name?
Derek: Just stick to the cards Meredith. (Mer looks at Derek getting more scared)
Izzie: Mmm.
Meredith: Meredith. You know my name, you can say my name.
Izzie: Mmm... Mmmme...
Swinder: This is what I was afraid of.
Meredith: Ok, whose Alex? Izz, ok. You don't have to speak. Just, nod your head for me if you know who Alex Karev is. (Mer looks at Der and is starting to tear up. Izzie looks around really scared.)

Meredith: Ok Iz, I am going to show you a series...
Izzie: A series of images that you want me to try to remember once Derek put the right side of my brain to sleep.
Derek: Mhmmm.
Izzie: Hit me. Show me what you got.
Meredith: Ok.
Izzie: Is that a schnauzer or a scotty? How specific do I need to be?
Derek: Dogs fine.
Izzie: It's either a 727 or a 747.
Derek: Plane.
Izzie: Oh, a 2 story victorian mansion.
Derek: We would also accept the word house.
Izzie: Schnauzer, 747, mansion, Schnauzer, 747, mansion...
Derek: Or... dog, plane, house. I'm gonna put the right hemisphere of your brain to sleep now, ok?
Izzie: Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house.

Meredith: It's impressive, but it took 2 years to get these results.
Cristina: Yeah but, these 2 scans were taken 3 months apart.
Meredith: But, Izzie may not have 3 months. That tumor could start bleeding in 3 days, or 3 seconds. And, since when are you not about cutting?
Cristina: Since it may not be in the best interest of our patient.
Meredith: And Derek's not acting in Izzie's best interest? (Der opens the door)
Derek: They're reinforcing radiology. (Der gives Mer a look)

Izzie: If Derek cuts the tumor out I could lose my memory, and if he doesn't I can die. I don't know what to do. Alex, tell me what to do.
Alex: Iz, I can't tell you what to do.
Izzie: Of course you can, you're my husband. That's what husbands do, they stomp around telling their wives what to do. It's your job.
Alex: My job is to support whatever you wanna do.
Izzie: I don't know what I wanna do. That's why I'm asking you. Ok, I have an idea. Let's put it to a vote. All in favor of the surgery.
Meredith: No. We're not voting. No ones... no ones voting.
Izzie: Opposed?
Cristina: I'm opposed... to voting.
Izzie: Just decide for me. Please?
Alex: You don't have to know right now. Think about it.
Izzie: I don't have time.

Meredith: I've got some adhesions. I need to dissect down to mobilize the sigmoid.
Richard: Oh...
Meredith: Bovey please.
Richard: Mmmm.... Mmm mmm. MMM MMMM... MMM MMM!
Meredith: Do you have something you'd like to say?
Richard: No, no no. You're doing fine.
Mark: How's the solo surgery coming along Grey?
Meredith: Well, I think it's going ok. But, you should probably ask the Chief here.
Richard: She's doing great. You chose a quatery when I probably would have gone with scissors. But, she made it work. We'll be out of here in plenty of time for the wedding.
Mark: Good. At least you won't have any excuses.
Meredith: Excuse me?
Mark: This is the second time I've been Derek's best man. I have to come up with a toast, offer some words of wisdom. It's a lot of work. I don't wanna have to be his best man a 3rd time, if you know what I mean.
Meredith: So, you came in here to threaten me?
Mark: I'm his best man. That's my job.
Richard: Hmmm...
Meredith: What now?
Richard: Oh, no, it's ok. It's fine. Everything's fine, right? I don't need to say anything.
Mark: Hmmm...

Meredith: Ok. Ok, boquey, scalpel.
Richard: Oh, great. Very nice!
Meredith: What?
Richard: The way you asked for the scalpel. You didn't mumble, you took charge right off the bat. Loud and clear, scalpel! It was good. Very impressive.
Meredith: Great. I'm gonna get started now.
Richard: Oh, of course. You won't even know I'm here.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
