MEREDITH: "We are SO going to hell. Burke's sending us straight to hell."
CRISTINA: "On the express train."

Meredith: There you are. What happened to you?
Cristina: I tripped and fell. It's fine.
Owen: No, it's not!
Cristina: It's nothing. It was an accident. What's wrong with you?
Meredith: Ah, Derek won't get off the couch.
Cristina: SO the weaker sex!

[narrating] "So what makes anger different from the six other deadly sins? It's pretty simple really. You give in to a sin like envy or pride, and you only hurt yourself. Try lust or coveting and you'll only hurt yourself and one or two others. But anger is the worst... the mother of all sins... Not only can anger drive you over the edge, when it does, you can take an awful lot of people with you."

So I poop on the table. It's part of the miracle of life.

Nathan: Oh, so she doesn't know that you're madly in love with me.
Meredith: I am not madly in love with you.
Nathan: You're close. You will be.
Meredith: I am close to hating you.

Meredith: You know we really should get some sleep before rounds.
Cristina: Sleep is for wimps. Sleep is for Mercy West residents. Lets ah, fit in another trauma before rounds.
Alex: Don't say anything about the wig.
Izzie: I'm back. Yes, I am early... but whatever. I'm back. And because I've been one so long, the first trauma that comes through those doors, it's mine. Got it?
(Everyone just stares at Izzie's wig)
Izzie: It's amazing right?
Meredith: What?
Cristina: What's amazing?
Izzie: The wig.
Meredith: Yeah.
Cristina: Oh, it looks so real I couldn't even tell.
Meredith: Mhm.
Izzie: I've always wanted to try out being a red head, so I just thought nows the time.
Alex: Well, what's wrong with your own hair?
Izzie: It's peach fuzz chemo hair, and I really wanted to put my patients at ease. Make them feel comfortable.
Cristina: (whispers to Mer) She looks like a Stepford wife, you've gotta tell her.
Meredith: (smiling) She can't handle it. Just don't stare.

Lexie: Oh, you're awake. How's your pain? Is your mouth dry? There's water if you're thirsty.
Meredith: Um, have you been sleeping on me all night?
Lexie: Yes. Moving between you and dad. Whose doing good.
Meredith: Good. Good, that's good. Lexie...
Lexie: Yeah?
Meredith: You're on my IV.
Lexie: Oh, sorry.

Cristina: Nothing is happening to me. I don't know what I'm doing, I'm like chasing after surgeries I don't care about. Do you know you how long it's been since I've held a heart in my hand? Since I've felt that, that joy...that rush? Ya know, I miss Burke. I, I miss him all day! I miss... it's not the relationship or the sex, I miss... everyday when he was here, I held hearts. And I got picked, not because of some favoritism but because it was just like... it was right! And I learned, I learned! And I felt seen. And now, you know what, I don't know what. I spent this entire day fighting... and I don't want to do it anymore.
Meredith: Come over here!

MEREDITH: "Stop it."
DYLAN: "What?"
MEREDITH: "Stop looking at me like I'm a patient."
DYLAN: "I'm sorry?"
MEREDITH: "The two of you are looking at me the way we look at patients. Like I’m gonna freak out at any minute. Well, I'm not going to freak out, so whatever it is, just tell me straight up."
PRESTON: [pauses] "The main oxygen line runs directly under this floor."
MEREDITH: "Okay. Not okay." [silence] "Well, I need one of you to tell me what this means exactly. Because I think I know what it means, but I tend to be glass half-empty these days, so I don’t trust what I think it means. Because what I think it means is that if the bomb were to explode over the oxygen line, the whole hospital could blow up. That’s just crazy right?"

IZZIE: "I think it was a stroke. He was prone to blood clots. A clot could have formed on his sutures and traveled to his brain. It only takes a second."
MEREDITH: "Izzie-"
IZZIE: "Dr. Han did a beautiful job on the surgery. I don't know why I didn't think of blood clots. He died all alone. He was alone."
GEORGE: "There's nothing you could have done."
IZZIE: "I changed my dress three times. I wanted to look nice. I would have been here sooner. But I couldn't figure out which dress to wear."

Meredith: I don't think that things are simply right or wrong. Things are more complicated than that. This was more complicated than that. It's complicated that it was Adele and Richard. It's complicated that we have a drug in a box that could help her. There's nothing simple about that. I am very sorry that I messed everything up, but I would do it again.
Derek: I don't know how to raise a child with someone who doesn't understand that there's a right and wrong in the world.
Meredith: So, now I'm gonna be a bad mother. That's where we're going with this?
Derek: You've been saying it for weeks. Maybe you're right.

There’s a clarity thing when you cross over the edge. There’s a moment when everything just melts away and you’re fearless.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
