If my daughter can stand up then so can I.

I am going to do what I am trained to do. I am going to lie, grovel, debase myself until I get what I want. I am a lawyer, damn it.

Her first word was every gay father's worst nightmare.

Mitchell: Subtext: this is weird.
Cameron: I didn't hear any subtext.
Mitchell: Hear any now?

Take it down a notch. We're just trying to make a friend not initiate a three-way.

Mitchell: I had to settle.
Cameron: Well, your mom might think so, but some think I'm a catch.

Cam: My dream for him is that one day, he'll be on the Supreme Court.
Mitchell: Why Cam?
Cam: So at parties I can tell people my partner is one of the Supremes.

Cameron: I got all medieval on the florists.
Mitchell: Cam, I heard you on the phone, you said you were displeased, but that's hardly going medieval.
Cameron: Excuse me, I said very displeased and I used my cowboy voice.

I had to actually come out to my dad three times before he acknowledged it. I'm not sure if maybe he was hoping he heard it wrong, like I said 'Dad, I'm grey.'

People are who they are, give or take 15 percent. That's how much people can change if they really want to.

My gaydar is never wrong and it is pinging like we're at a bathhouse.

Mitchell [on burning flowers and Cameron]: Look at that: two things flaming at once.

Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
