Yes, George, I was at the gynecologist, who told me to remind you to keep your vagina clean.

You're gonna need new clothes. So we'll go shopping after school.

Early birthday present for myself, from myself. Aren't I nice?

Naomi: Why are you always so mean to me?
Ryan: Who said I was mean? [to bartender} She's underage. Don't serve. I guess that was mean. Oops.

Annie: You sound like a spoiled brat.
Naomi: Well you sounds like a spoiled bitch. And just so we're clear, you're completely disinvited to my birthday party!

Is it true? Are you cheating on me? Don't lie to me.

It was a fabulous party. I just expect to see you there, with all your morals and everything.

Random girl: I'm so sorry that happened to you. I don't know why people cheat.
Naomi: Who are you and why are you talking to me?

The harder the slap, the harder they rub back.

Naomi: Are you breaking up with me?
Ethan: I'm breaking up with us.

Naomi: Babe, you sound pitchy.
Adrianna: You sound bitchy!

Everyone knows McLovin. No one has any clue that Topeka is the capital of Kansas.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
