Max: What's the science emergency?
Naomi [removing trench coat to reveal lingerie get-up]: It's a biology problem actually.

Promise you won't kick my ass if I ever piss you off.

Max: I'm sorry Naomi. I'm flattered. You're just not my type.
Naomi: I'm everyone's type.

Naomi [to calendar himbo]: Hold that thought.
Himbo: What thought?

Max: That's like walking around with no underwear.
Naomi: What's wrong with that?

Annie's gone feral!

Ade is like a baby...needs something shiny and new to distract her.


Thank God for hemorrhoid cream.

I think I have the hots for a nerd.

You're nerding out all over our nice moment?

My bikini waxer is more spiritual than you, Guru.

Reality show producer: Naomi, the camera loves you.
Naomi: The feeling is mutual.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
