Gob: Sounds like a tennis match between Steffi Graf and Happy Days star Donny Host.
Narrator: That's 'Most'!

(Tobias has just found a way to convince Lindsay that Kitty loves him)
Tobias: If this tableau I recreate, perhaps I can resnare my mate!
Narrator: Gee, why wouldn't she want him back?

Narrator: Tobias listens to a day's worth of his own words to see what Michael was referring to.
Tobias: (on tape) Even if it means me taking a chubby, I will suck it up.
Tobias: Nothing wrong with that.
Tobias: (on tape) Oh, I've been in the film business for a while, but I just can't seem to get one in the can.
Tobias: It's out of context.
Tobias: (on tape) I wouldn't mind kissing that man between the cheeks, so to speak.
Narrator: And he realizes there is something distinct about the way he speaks.
Tobias: Tobias, you blowhard! (Chuckles)

Michael: You know, your average American male is in a perpetual state of adolescence, you know, arrested development.
Narrator: Hey, that's the name of the show.

Gob: If you didn't have adult onset diabetes, I wouldn't mind giving you a little sugar.
Mrs. Van Skoyk: Oh, Gob ... you could charm the black off a telegram boy.
Narrator: Ok, we should tell you right now. She is the one who dies!

On the next Arrested Development, Buster moves to the kitchen.

Michael: My son expresses himself just fine. Isn't that right, son?
George Michael: What? Yeah ... fine. Uh, yes, I don't care. What's up?
Tobias: Yes, he's a regular Freddie Wilson, that one.
Michael: I don't know that reference.
Lindsay: I don't either.
Tobias: I don't know either.
Narrator: It's this guy. (an image of men dressed like the Village People is shown, with the "biker" highlighted)

George Michael: I'm just in the middle of a stupid girl problem. That's all.
Michael: I don't even have a girl, much less a stupid one.
George Michael: No, the problem is stupid; the girl isn't stupid.
Narrator: But if they ever had a child, it would be. Because the girl was his cousin Maeby.

George Sr. came across a U.S. Army combat humvee and the Pope-Mobile, and he decided to escape in the bullet-proof one.
(George Sr. steals the Pope-Mobile)

Lucille: I'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to get drunk by 1 o' clock.
Narrator: As it turns out, she had gotten up early and had taken pain medication because of a hangover-related headache. However, she mistook the drowsy-eye/alcohol warning for a winking-eye alcohol suggestion.

(After Rita has walked on the water)
Michael: Hang on a sec. That's part of your trick, right?
Gob: No, that's not my trick, Michael.
Narrator: On the next Arrested Development ...
Gob: It's my illusion.

Adelaide: Take a single step to share your love, Gary. (The disabled guy takes a step) Ahh! Faker! (slaps him in the face and Gary falls down)
Narrator: She was wrong on that one. It was love that make Gary take that step.

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.