Nate: Give me the phone. You can't talk to him, you can't think about him until his plane leaves.
Serena: What are you gonna do, tie me to a chair?
Nate: I'm gonna take you on a pub crawl, and we're gonna get drunk. Like REALLY drunk!
Serena: Okay!

Can we just move into the punishment portion of this meeting?

Nate: I just talked to Blair. You used me to get to Carter?
Bree: Yeah. I guess I did. I'm a Buckley. As much as I like you, that's always going to come first. It's in my blood. It's Texas. If it means anything, I'm sorry.
Nate: No. It doesn't. So please leave.

Vanessa: What happened at the Hudson this morning ... wasn't what it looked like.
Nate: What do you mean?
Vanessa: The guy you and Tripp saved? He didn't fall. I think it was set up.
Nate: That's ridiculous.
Vanessa: I have it all on tape.

Last year, Georgina pretended to be this rich Canadian to get Poppy, but things got all messed up when she turned her back on Jesus.

Dan: Who could have seen this coming?
Nate: Have you met Georgina?

Serena: But what makes you think we'll win? You're not exactly a card shark?
Nate: Well, this one night Bree told me every one of P.J.'s tells. So you'll know exactly when to call his bluff.
Serena: Wait, what? Me?
Nate: Oh, yeah. You're gonna be playing.

Nate: Certainly a step up from the Columbia dorms.
Chuck: Most penthouses are, Nathaniel.

Nate: Juliet and I have this nice little evening planned after the mixer. Got some nice champagne, new Matteo sheets ... and I'm hoping some recently purchased lingerie.
Dan: That's for her, right?

Serena: Because, I would rather Dan think I cheated on him than know what I really did.
Nate: What you really did?

Serena: Are you trying to destroy Tripp's campaign?
Nate: No. That's gonna win Tripp the election.
Serena: What are you talking about.
Nate: Once the Buckleys leak it, we'll release the real photo. It'll look like the Buckley's faked the one. Then people will finally see them for the villains they really are.
Serena: And what happens to Carter? You just used one?
Nate: Come on, Serena. The guy proposed to P.J. sister to pay off his gambling debt. Wake up, the guy's hardly innocent. I am sorry I had to lie to you.
Serena: No you're not. But you will be.

Serena: I think I'm about to get involved with a married man.
Nate: Why am I the only one you can talk to?
Serena: Because it's Tripp.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.