Dan: Wait, don't you all hate each other?
Blair: Yes.
Nate: Absolutely.
Chuck: No.

Nate: You know, why do I get the feeling you're actually enjoying this?
Chuck: Call me sentimental.

Blair: Hello?
Nate: Hey, I only have a second. I'm on my way to Queens.
Blair: Gross. Why?
Nate: To meet Vanessa at a concert.
Blair: It got grosser.

Serena: Because, I would rather Dan think I cheated on him than know what I really did.
Nate: What you really did?

Nate: What about her?
Serena: Well, something happened the night of the Shepherd's wedding.
Blair: I think we're all aware of what happened that night.
Serena: No, something else. Something I've tried to escape but Georgina won't let me. And now she's blackmailing me.
Nate: Blackmailing you?
Chuck: With what exactly?
Serena: Well, it started when Blair thought you and I had too much to drink. She told us to get some air, go outside, sober up.

Nate: She's right Serena, I mean none of us are saints.
Blair: [points at Chuck] Yeah, I had sex with him in the back of a limo.
Chuck: Several times.
Nate: I had sex with you, at a wedding while I was her date. [looks at Chuck] Once.
Blair: [looks at Chuck]
Chuck: I'm Chuck Bass!

Serena: Dan puts me on a pedestal, if he knew the truth he will never look at me again.
Chuck: Your starting to scare even me. What did you do?
Nate: Cmon, you can tell us.
Blair: We've seen you with vomit in your hair, making out with investment bankers in the men's room at PJ Clark's. You don't have to hide anything from us.

Blair: [to Nate and Chuck] I need your help.
Nate: What's going on with her?

Serena: So do you think Jenny'll be alright?
Nate: Yeah, Dan's a good guy, he'll take care of her.
Serena: You are too, you know, a good guy. A forgiving guy?
Who can't pit himself against Blair forever?
Nate: Goodnight.
Serena: I'm sorry! You gave me an opening I couldn't resist... I'm just saying.

Nate: Did you sleep with her? Huh!?
Chuck: She needed someone and I was there!

Can we just move into the punishment portion of this meeting?

Blair: [considering Nate's offer] The Prince will understand. Maybe we should go to the ball together... as friends.
Nate: Absolutely.
Blair: But only as friends.
Nate: Just friends.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.