Jane: I love that you're predictable.
Lisbon: Just what a girl wants to hear.
Jane: What does a girl want to hear?
Lisbon: I wish I knew.

I really want you to be happy and that is the most important thing for me that you do what makes you happy. Okay?

You guys didn't answer my question. Did anyone narc on me?

I've worked with psychopaths and monsters for years so I do understand your perspective, very well.

Jane: You're moving to a new state with a man. Basically you're getting married, in effect. Lucky you've had all that time to get to know him. Weeks and Weeks.
Lisbon: Months.
Jane: A month even.

It might be our last case together so how can anything be too nice.

I just don't want you to leave.

Oh LIsbon's not leaving. She likes to talk like she might but I don't think she's going anywhere.

Jane: I don't need a desk.
Fischer: Really, you work standing up.
Jane: No, lying down.

Krystal: Oh, you're trouble.
Jane: Harmless as a fly.

Jane: I'm not your boss. Why would you say that?
Lisbon: Just sometimes now you act like you are.
Jane: We're equals. Partners.
Lisbon: Fine. Just remember that.

Jane: The point is there's a coded message here.
Cho: Or doodles.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.