I don't understand why women are so obsessed with getting married? I mean married people just want to be single again, if you're single the world is your smorgasbord.

Samantha: Nobody told me it was B.Y.O man?
Carrie: What did you expect? It's a lesbian art show.
Samantha: I know but don't straight guys usually follow them around to see what they're gonna do?

Miranda: They know your straight right?
Chalotte: I'm sure they do, but we don't even talk about sex, it's a non-issue.
Miranda: You have to tell them, otherwise your just leading them on.
Samantha: That's right, your nothing more than a big clit tease.

Charlotte: If I end up old and alone its all your fault.
Samantha: Charlotte, sweetie, we're all alone even when we're with men.

You can't just let it grow wild anymore. There's an entire buisness these days devoted to the upkeep and management of pubic hair. It says as much about you as your shoes.

It's so interesting, you can tell a man I hate you and you'll have the best sex of your life, but tell him I love you, and you'll probably never see him again.

Me, James and his tiny penis, we're one big happy family.

Practically all relationships I know are based on the foundation of lies and mutually accepted delusions. Take me and James for instance, I pretend he doesn't have a small dick and he pretends to notice that we haven't had sex in three weeks.

Sex is the barometer for what's going on in the relationship.

(They are all standing in front of the locker room doors of Yankee stadium waiting for the "New Yankee")
Samantha: (as a ball player walks in front of them) Did you see that bulge?
Miranda: Ummm....he was wearing a cup.
Samantha: Well honey, his cup runneth over.

Samantha: If I had a son, I'd teach him all about sex.
Carrie: If you had a son, we'd call Social Services!

Miranda: Just don't fuck on a first date, you're fine.
Carrie: Third date.
Charlotte: Too soon!
Samantha: Reality check. A guy can just as easily dump you if you fuck him on the first date as he can if you wait until the tenth.
Miranda: When have you ever been on a tenth date?
Charlotte: And by then at least you're emotionally involved.
Samantha: Exactly. I mean, isn't it better to find out if the sex is good right off the bat, before anybody's feelings get hurt?