Tracy: JMo how long would it take for your hair to grow back?
Jenna: It depends. Do you have access to horse seaman?
Tracy: You know I do.

Tracy: Was Dot Com standing that gay?
Kenneth: Um no sir, he was not.

Oh my God, Liz? It's Tracy...from work.

Tracy: How many times have I come over and painted your apartment?
Liz: Three, and by the way stop doing that.

Hey guys. It's me Tracy, the black guy from work.

Liz: You're a 42 year old man.
Tracy: No I'm not. I took a real age test. It said I'm dead.

From now on everyone has to refer to me as the Gentleman Formerly Known as Rectum.

Jenna: How do nice people dress?
Tracy: Socks on their hands, no belt, roller skates.

Remember when I offended stubborn people? That took forever to sort out.

You can take our freedom, unless you take our lives!

My ringtone is the chicken dance. If I answer it, I won't hear the whole song!

Idiots aren't just strippers, or stay at home moms.