I feel like Oscar the Grouch today, and not just because I woke up in a garbage can this morning startling someone named Gordon.

I get second billing to this small booby grandma?

Tracy: Roker should be on my side.
Jenna: Why? Because you both have had huge weight fluctuations?

I'm scared J Mo, and not just 'cause today's the day that guy that tried to kill me gets out of jail.

It sure is rewarding as a tv viewer when someone you're invested in shows growth.

Who has the time with work, family, hobbies, listing excuses?

Liz: You're at rehearsal before me?
Tracy: Of course I am, Liz-Dad. I'm your good boy.

You're still here! You didn't go to the store for milk and heroin and then never come back.

It's a California Kong, which is two California Kings tied together with gorilla leather.

Liz: Why are you so heavy?
Tracy: Cause so much of me has died.

I just wanna make you proud of me, LL-Dad-Liz-Dad.

Something terrible has happened, and for once I'm not talking about the collapse of the middle class.