Blair: Generations of breeding and wealth had to come together to produce me. I have more in common with Marie Antoinette than with you. You may be popular at some step-Ivy safety school, but the fact is the rabblers still rabble and they need a queen.
Vanessa: You stole the toast.
Blair: I was willing to do what was necessary. Including lying to Chuck, the one person who trusts me more than anyone. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go give my toast.
Vanessa: Actually Blair? Congratulations, you just did.

Vanessa: You really think you're better than me?
Blair: I think we both know the answer to that.

Vanessa: So Rufus, how is married life?
Rufus: At the risk of sounding like a man deeply in love, each day gets better than the one before.
Dan: Must be if you're back with the Welcome Back Kotter mugs. They look great next to Lily's china.

Blair: You!
Vanessa: Yeah, Blair, me.

Nate: Look, the polls close in a few hours. Can't you just wait?
Vanessa: I wish I could! This is not some high school thing with Blair and the mean girls, this is someone running for public office, Nate.

Vanessa: What happened at the Hudson this morning ... wasn't what it looked like.
Nate: What do you mean?
Vanessa: The guy you and Tripp saved? He didn't fall. I think it was set up.
Nate: That's ridiculous.
Vanessa: I have it all on tape.

I know I'm an enemy of the state right now, but what happened to you Nate? The guy I used to call my friend ... had a moral compass.

Vanessa: So much for the ultimate college experience.
Olivia: What? No. I have had the ultimate experience. With you guys. They say the friends you meet here last a lifetime. You guys want to get out of here?
Dan: Absolutely.

Olivia: Have you ever ...
Dan: Me? No. Have I? No. I ... No. Never. Have you?
Olivia: Once. But it was in a movie, so it doesn't really count.
Vanessa: Not me. No.

Olivia: Vanessa, you're in love with Dan, and everyone here knows it.
Dan: Olivia, that's ... that's crazy. Come on.
Olivia: You know what, I don't have to put up with any of this. I quit.
Vanessa: Oh no you don't. I quit!
Blair: What's going on? Did you bozos have a threesome or something? [pause] Oh God! How stupid can you be? The third person's always supposed to be a stranger!

Vanessa: Sorry for unloading, but I haven't had anyone to vent to since Olivia left to do Bitches of Eastwick. Have you heard from her?
Dan: Umm, no.

Vanessa: Imagine if Serena had hit her head a little harder. Or the car rolled, or ...
Dan: Vanessa ... I love you.
Vanessa: [casually] I love you too.
Dan: [long pause] That's not the reaction I was hoping for.
Vanessa: Dan, sometimes when people are under emotional stress, they say things that they don't really mean.
Dan: Yeah. I think I read that somewhere.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.