Your boyfriend fakes his death and comes back as a really big girl. I'm guessing there's no card for that

Okay girls, tuck em back in, you're both big

Wilhelmina: You think the hat is too much for prison?
Marc: It looked okay when you wore it to visit martha
Wilhelmina: I was trying to detract from that god awful sweater she knitted me
Marc [about Claire]: Why are you going to visit that gangly old booze hound anyway?

[listening to jazz...]
Bradford: Alright I tried it and I still hate it
Wilhelmina: You're so white some times

Tavares: Mrs. Slater
Wilhelmina: Do I know you?
Tavares: Uh no
Wilhelmina: Then stop talking to me

Marc: So little Bradford keeping you up at night?
Wilhelmina: I try to nod off, but when the finish line approaches he starts hounding like a wounding beagle

Connor, I want to apologize for my behavior. I always blackmail people when I'm nervous. It's my go to

Connor: My guess a woman such as yourself would have a bottle of 61 single malt scotch floating around the place somewhere
Wilhelmina: 48
Connor: Perfect, older is always better
Wilhelmina: I wouldn't know, I've been the same age for years

I will not constantly be overruled by two silly white boys


Wilhelmina [about Bradford]: He patted my hand!
Marc: Well maybe that's foreplay
Wilhelmina: In a nursing home

Marc: Ooh, well fill my bucket with nothing but thighs
Wilhelmina: Relax colonel, we all know you prefer nuggets

Claire: How'd you get in here, only family is allowed
Wilhelmina: I'm your incredibly tan sister.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.