Carina: I didn’t want to call you when I was in the car with Andrea because I knew you would talk me out of it and tell me to make my brother stop, tell me it was dangerous, and you did, and you were right. And I still think… I feel like this is… why, why didn’t I stop it? This is all my fault. My brother is dead because I’m an idiot.
Maya: Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me, none of this is your fault.
Carina: Then whose fault is it then? Who am I supposed to blame?
Maya: Blame me. We have to get some of this off of you. I can take it. Blame me. I should have gotten to you sooner. I should have been there. Blame me.
Carina: Maya, this is not your fault.
Maya: Then why is it yours?
Carina: Because I let him on that train. I did that.
Maya: Give me the guilt. Give the blame. Give me the part that stings the most. Let me hold on to it for a little while, and when you’re feeling stronger you can have it all back. I promise.

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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 7: "Learning to Fly"
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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Travis: You have a very gentle touch.
Emmett: Oh, we finally got the smaller swabs.
Vic: You know it’s not the size, but how you use it.
Emmett: OK, this is bordering on inappropriate.

Theo: I saw the video. That’s messed up.
Vic: So, I’m usually the person that finds the good in all the bad. I’m the silver linings chick that cracks a joke even at the darkest of times to bring everyone back up, but…
Theo: Pretty hard to see the silver lining in that.
Vic: Yeah.