AJ: You must've been quite young when you had him. I should've guessed it myself. Watching you and Trevor go at it is like watching someone fight themselves in the mirror.
Billie: I don't want to talk about it. I told you that.
AJ: And I heard you. But we're going to be operating on your son's friend. I know you had a complicated day, and I want to respect that, but I must point out the elephant in the room and ask.
Billie: Will I be able to do my job?
AJ: Well?
Billie: If you want to know. I was 13 years old.

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The Resident Season 5 Episode 2: "No Good Deed"
The Resident
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The Resident Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes, The Resident Quotes
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The Resident Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Patient: I was fine.
Irving: You weren't fine. You were dead.

Billie: Why are you here?
Trevor: I'm not here to see you!
Billie: Lower your voice.
Trevor: You think I'm stalking you in an ER? Are you really that self-absorbed?
Billie: I know this is hard, but I can't have you in my life right now. I can't do that. I thought we had an agreement.
Trevor: Get a grip. I am not trying to reconnect with my birth mother. I gave up on that. The sign out there says this is a hospital. My friend's o'ding, she's dying, so maybe do your job and help her?