Alina: You first words to me were, "What are you?" This is what I am.
Kirigan: How do you claim such power? I am the one who killed the Stag.
Alina: I didn't understand before, but I do now. You cannot claim what was not given to you. The Stag chose me.
Kirigan: You chose to betray our people. I was trying to save us.

The Darkling: I've survived for centuries. Did you really think you could kill me?
Mal: I don't have to kill you, Darkling. Your past will do it for me.

Inej: You can't go back into the Fold.
Zoya: To Novokribirsk. I had family in that city. I need to know how much of it is lost.
Kaz: It's dangerous to go looking for the dead. What you see may haunt you for the rest of your days.
Zoya: Not going will haunt me more.

Alina: So, will you still be trying to kidnap me?
Jesper: 'Course not.
Kaz: Have you found religion too?
Jesper: No, it's just -- I'm exhausted. Besides, it'd be bad form to kidnap someone after they saved your life, wouldn't it?
Kaz: You are quite valuable, you know.

Alina: The King deserves every bit of your vengeance. But Kirigan does not deserve your loyalty. He is just as responsible for your position.
Genya: I am his soldier. We all are.
Alina: We are his pawns. Nothing more.

I was going to tell you to trust Kaz and that he'd never let you go back, but I don't have the right to tell you what you should do with your shot at freedom.


Inej: Kaz, if not Saints, what do you believe in?
Kaz: Myself.
Inej: Why'd I even ask?
Kaz: And you. And Jesper. My Crows.
Inej: Because we flock to your bidding? Like the animals of vengeance, you named us after?
Kaz: Crows don't just remember the faces of people who wronged them. They also remember those who were kind. They tell each other who to look after and who to watch out for. No Saint ever watched over me. Not like you have.

The Darkling: Do you know the only thing more powerful than you or me? The two of us. Together. Together, we can end all wars. We can protect our own. Is that not what you want?
Alina: Are we destroying the Fold?
The Darkling: We can do anything. Together.

Kaz: Between our dwindling funds, lack of time, and conflicting interests, it's time we cut our losses.
Jesper: I guess the Bastard misses the Barrel.

Genya: I had no choice.
Alina: Except that you did. And you chose to betray our friendship.
Genya: I was a whipping girl for the Queen and a Grisha without a color. I -- Choosing friendship over survival was not a luxury I could afford.
Alina: I know what it means to be an outsider struggling to survive, and it's no excuse.

Baghra: Oh, Aleksander. Where's the girl, your Healer?
Aleksander: Dead. She died because of me.
Baghra: She died because they always do; they're not as strong as you and me.
Aleksander: You're the one who taught me how to kill, Mother. Their blood is on your hands as much as mine.
Baghra: I taught you so you could protect yourself. Not them. I told you as much, but you are so stubborn. You wouldn't listen. Maybe you will now.

The Darkling: I read your letters. All these years, you never truly appreciated who she is. But it's all right because I do.
Mal: Oh, you have no chance, shadow man, because I'm the one she chose.
The Darkling: You are a child, and she is Grisha. Take away my shadows, and I still have something that you don't. Patience. Alina may well take years to forgive me, but I can wait. Meanwhile, you will grow old, your hair will gray, and she will remain ageless, like me. And one day, maybe a year from now, maybe fifty. She'll realize that she has only one equal. That there are no others like us and that there never will be. I'm not going to kill you, Mal. I don't need to. Time will do it for me.

Netflix Quotes

Jack: Alyssa is not Salvador!
Vera: She knows all our strengths and all our weaknesses. That makes her exceedingly dangerous.
Jack: Why do you hate her so much?
[Vera stares at him]
Vera: Mr. Morton, you’re relieved from temple duties until further notice.
Jack: You’re benching me?!
Vera: Your infatuation has become a liability.
[Vera walks away]
Jack: Yeah, well, you’re welcome for saving your life!
Vera: I said, “Thank you.”

I do not exist. I exist only if the motherland exists.
