Christmas never looked this good.

Dixon [to Adrianna]

Guess I'm destined to raise a stranger's baby.


Mr. Cannon: Everyone needs to hear something nice once in awhile.
Silver: Well, I meant it.

There are a lot of other fish in the sea. Equally cute fish.


School is hard enough as it is without my sister banging the teacher.


Silver: Just a homeless guy?
Teddy: Sorry. I meant an abode-challenged individual.

I should've known, where there's smoke, there's you.

Silver [to Adrianna]

Come on, you can see Britney's house from here!


The player getting played.

Naomi [listening to Teddy complain about Marco]

I've been here an hour and no one's done a cartwheel in a bikini yet.

Preston [to Annie]

I'm sorry we couldn't find your bro-purse.

Liam [to Navid]

My mind is saying jump his bones but my body's saying crash.

Naomi [to Max]


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
