Gina: So, what's new?
Katherine: Nothing. I just got a new blouse. A new girlfriend.
Gina: Yeah, you did.

Tyrell: Hey, I get it. I'm all about speaking truth to power, but have you thought about your friend Dre and what it could do to the black students who go there?
Rome: I'm doing this for those kids and the kids who came before me and after me so that they don't have to go through these things again. It's the right thing to do.

Whether we have the green light, or the red light, or the purple disco light, we have each other. And I need you to understand that all that really matters is you.


The truth is I left because your mother was having an affair.


Everything you are and everything you've been through, they're the reasons I've fallen for you all over again.


Maggie: I think I felt a lump.
Gary: Please, say made you look.

I actually wanted to talk to you about me having a baby.


Thank you for putting up with me. It was wrong of me to cancel on you, and the truth is Theo didn't really need me there.


Eddie: Can I ask you something?
Katherine: Yeah, of course.
Eddie: Was it me that sent you on your journey?
Katherine: Edward Savill are you asking if you ruined men for me? I promise you had nothing to do with it. I was never not attracted to you, it's just now I'm attracted to her.

You never have to choose when it comes to me. No matter what's going on, you'll always have me, you got that?


My roommate has more makeup than the Kardashians combined.


Gary: Dan Dixon. What are you doing here?
Daniel: I'm here to get Milo back.