Isobel: Should we start with New Amsterdam's biggest inhibitor of system racism?
Max: Yes.
Isobel: You.

Eddie: The only thing that matters to me right now, pal, is that you know that you're safe. You're going to get through this and there's no one better in the world to take care of you than mom. And don't worry about me. I'm going to get better.
Theo: That's the thing, I don't know if you will.
Eddie: Well, then, I'm just going to have to show you. I love you, bud.
Theo: I love you too dad.

Why do I have to be the good wife, mother, and daughter, when he gets to drink and lie? And, ugh, I'm just so sick of it. I don't want to be Katherine anymore. You know, for once, I just, I want to do something because I feel like doing it.


Jamie: I can't stay here.
Maggie: Why?
Jamie: Because the whole time I was with Nora, I just wanted to be with you, and then just now hearing that you were jealous, this isn't what we wanted. This isn't what we promised each other or ourselves. I was married to someone and that marriage kept me from being who I needed to be, I mean, the same thing happened with you and Gary you said it on the podcast. As much as he wanted you to be together you needed to figure out who you were, and you're figuring it out. I'm watching it happen. It's beautiful.
Maggie: Yeah, but you're helping it happen
Jamie: No, I'm not. It's all you. Listen I care about you, so much, so much so that I want you to see your dreams come true which is why I have to go.

Jamie: It's nice doing sex with you, Margaret Bloom.
Maggie: It's nice doing sex with you, Jamie Clark.

You know, your father wasn't perfect either.


People deal with loss in different ways, which apparently all involve throwing away money.


Maggie: Gary, I really like what we're becoming, and I know that you got that ring because you didn't think that I would make it, and if that year had been the last year of my life, it would've been a really amazing way for it to have ended.
Gary: Well, I'm glad it wasn't. So I guess I'm glad you didn't get this.
Maggie: We've both come a long way.
Gary: We really have. I'm with Darcy. And you're with Jamie. And he's with Nora.

Eddie: I heard what you said to Katherine.
Gary: Okay. Well, I didn't say anything to her that I wouldn't say to you.
Eddie: Give me a break. Good old Gary, everybody's friend. You tell me to come clean, to get help, and everything will be OK, so I do, and then behind my back, you give my wife to greenlight to leave me.
Gary: That's not--
Eddie: Just enough, Gary. Stop!
Gary: I know you're going through withdrawal --
Eddie: You don't know anything. Look, I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to fill Jon's shoes, but let me be clear, you're not Jon. You never will be Jon because Jon will never stab a friend in a back like that.

Jackie: So what you're saying is you took pills knowing what could happen. You lied to your family. Stole from your friends, broke your vows and the person you're most worried about in all of this is you?
Eddie: No, I, um, of course, I'm worried about them. Katherine and Theo and Charlie are everything to me.
Jackie: You could've fooled me. You never once stopped to mention what they're going through. Or what it's like for your wife to discover that you lied again. or for your son to be thrown into that kind of chaos.
Eddie: Hey, I didn't talk when you talked.
Therapist: Jackie!
Jackie: Sorry, but all I'm saying is above all else, your son needs to know he's safe. And from what you just said, it sounds like you're worried more about what he thinks about you. You can't have it both ways.

Theo [to Katherine]: This is all your fault. He needed you but you were too worried about going back to work.
Eddie: Theo, no, it is not her--
Theo: Yes, it is! You were supposed to take care of him. You were supposed to take care of all of us.
Eddie: No, Theo. Theo! Katherine...
Katherine: Don't.

Gary: Where's Theo?
Katherine: oh, he's upstairs. Angry at me.
Gary: At you?
Katherine: Yeah, I don't want to talk about it.
Gary: OK. You want to talk about you?
Katherine: What's to talk about? Same old story. Eddie breaks his promise, and I'm paying the price again. Theo blames me for working too much. What choice do I have? Mom's coming over to help with his online school because someone needs to pay the mortgage. And my office. And the neighbor's car, and now his rehab. I, uh, I don't think I can do this anymore.
Gary: I get it. Only so much a person can take, right? Nobody's going to blame you if you've reached your limit, Katherine.