Coulson: I heard what you did for me. I think it’s time that we remove this. [speaks to bracelet] Disengage bracelet.
Skye: Are you kidding me?
Coulson: I though you like that.

My entire life I've been searching for my parents, and my search ended with answers that are so much worse than I could have imagined.


Coulson: You agree with her. You think Skye is more than we can handle.
Agent May: Look, most of the time, I believe what I see, you know that but...
Coulson: But?
Agent May: You died. You were brought back, with a map to a city encoded in your DNA. Our team's first mission.
Coulson: We picked up Skye.
Agent May: Last week, we took her to that city. I can't help but remember what Lumley said. Wherever Skye goes...
Coulson: Death follows.

Coulson: I got to admit, handing out the containment as a cure; that's especially sinister.
Rosalind: No, I get weekly reports from... Malick.
Coulson: Excuse me?
Rosalind: Gideon Malick.
Coulson: I know the name; industrialist. He served on the World Council.
Rosalind: He's a friend. I worked with him more than a decade. He advises the President's staff. Helped design the ATCU. Oversees the science division. He gave me the T.A.H.I.T.I. intel.

Coulson: Easy Mack. I like Roz, whether she can be trusted, yet to be determined.
Mack: How is that not a deal breaker?
Coulson: Because the only spies without trust issues are either young or dead. I hope I can trust Roz. I want to. That's why I'm bringing her here, face to face. So I can look her in the eye and find out. Meanwhile, the rest of you will have to go behind her back.

Today we're launching Operation Spotlight. The objective, to peer into every shadowy corner of the ATCU. The last few days have been hard. What happened with Dr. Garner is tragic, but it has also created a rare moment of opportunity for us. The ATCU brought Dr. Garner's containment module into their research facility. S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to use that as a way to gain access.


Coulson: Are you talking about fate?
Lady Sif: I am saying there are tides in the universe that you can not swim against.

Thousands of years ago, an Inhuman was born on this planet that was destined to rule it. So powerful, so fearsome, that others were consumed with dread and so they banished it from the Earth. Sent it through the portal to a distant planet. HYDRA was founded with the sole purpose of engineering its return.


Vin-Tak: Asgardian, well that explains a lot.
Lady Sif: It is true, we do not trust Kree. That is why I am here. When Heimdall saw that one landed on your world, Odin charged me with retrieving him.
Vin-Tak: So you came to pick a fight.
Lady Sif: We know enough about Kree history to be concerned.
Vin-Tak: Well then if you know Kree history perhaps you've heard the tale of Terragenesis?
Lady Sif: Of course, ancient Kree descending on planets altering the inhabitants to fight their war.
Vin-Tak: And Earth was one of them.
Skye: Blue angels who fell from the sky.
Lady Sif: Eons ago the Kree waged a very long war. Casualties were high and they needed more soldiers.
Agent May: You mean cannon fodder.
Vin-Tak: We needed killers. One vicious faction among the Kree genetically modified other creatures' DNA. These modifications can be activated with Terrigen Crystals.
Lady Sif: We know these torturous experiments failed.
Vin-Tak: Not on Earth, here we had to shut them down. This faction had built a city. They brought with them the Diviners, which hold the crystals. Their plans were discovered and thwarted by the better of my kind. Putting an end to that dark chapter of our past.
Skye: Until now.

Fitz: We're never going to help you open another bloody portal.
Gideon: Nobody's asking you to. See, HYDRA's been opening one portal or another for centuries. All it takes is a few stones and a building with just the right vibrational frequency.
Fitz: What's all this about then?
Gideon: The other thing.
Simmons: They don't know how to get back.

Ward: You let her get tossed.
May: All I did was tell Hand the truth. Skye is no use to us on this plane.
Ward: How can you say that?
May: She’s not. Not with all these agents here, over her shoulder monitoring her every move.
Ward: You wanted her off the plane.
May: Outside the system, that’s how Skye works best. You don’t have to assume the worst in me.

Skye: The whole room was shaking. Fitz, the gun in my hand exploded.
Fitz: Aw God.
Skye: I thought that I could handle it, but I can't it's too much. I think we need to tell Coulson what's happening.
Fitz: Hang on, wait until I've analyze...
Skye: I can't control it when I get upset or nervous.
Fitz: I'm running that diagnostic on your blood samples right now. Hopefully when it's done we'll have a solution.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.