Aileen: You don't know screwing until you've spent an hour alone with a batshit crazy hooker.
John: I got a room.

Liz: an illusion.
John: Tonight I surrender to the illusion.

She lost fair and square.


You don't have to have a resume to be beautiful or talent to be an actor. Just ask Laurence Harvey.


There are answers on the other side of this door.

Sally [to John]

James: Do you know the difference between you and I?
John: Millions?
James: Pain.

Alex: Holden?
Holden: Hi, Mommy.

Careful girls, it's not a game.


Even if I wanted to give it to you, I couldn't. What we do here isn't magic. I'm sorry.


Now, likely I won't have the upper body strength to saw you in half the way you did my poor Travis, but I certainly could cut off the smaller parts!


Marcy: I'm so glad you brought me on this tour, Vivien. It's given me hope.
Vivien: How?
Marcy: No matter how gruesome or horrible the murder, you can always find somebody out there to buy the house.

Will: You're giving me dangerous thoughts.
Countess: All great ideas are deadly.