Why are you writing about him? He's just another maniac!


War is coming and you're gonna lose.


"Who but I am both the tree and the lightning that strikes it?" Should I do it again? I mean, I can make it grittier, more vulnerable. I just, I really love this part. It's a great part.


The Monsignor: Please, Jude, don't be childish.
Jude: Childish? Hell, I'm the Queen of Candyland.

Here's my other offer. You can all just die.


You know Tate, unlike your siblings, you were graced with so many graces. How is it that you cannot bring yourself to use them? Just a smile or a kind word could open the gates to heaven.


We really don't need a man to protect us.


I'm starting to look less Samantha and more Endora every day.


Listen to me, Iris. You and I, we are women of a certain age. We have suffered more than our fair share, dammit. We should inherit the earth.


What's my purpose?


Man: Why do you get to decide that?
Cordelia: Because I'm the fucking Supreme!

You know the Alpha is a child’s tale, a lullaby impotent men tell flaccid little boys to make them believe one day, they’ll be something special. Time and time again, history has shown the hubris of men knows no bounds. Have we learned nothing from Attila the Hun? Herod the Great? Mark Zuckerberg? Men make terrible leaders.
