Honestly, I'd murder for a Coke Zero.


It was a six day cycle, he said. And once it started, the spirits slipped the veil between the shadow world and ours.


I don't know what possessed me. Something about those woods made you lose control.


Different years, but every death, every missing person, takes place during the same lunar cycle in October. The Native Americans called it the Dying Grass Moon. It's six days, six blood drenched days, from the first quarter moon to the blood moon. Now, the spirits can haunt you anytime -- they can show themselves or not. But during this period -- this is when they can kill.


Thou hast chosen to remain on these hallowed grounds, despite our warnings. For these sins, thy blood shall sanctify the land. Thy body to enrich the soil. And thy soul to serve me for eternity and a day.

The Butcher

The Jane sisters were psychopaths who tortured and murdered their patients. But what's even more frightening is, in this house, even those killers were terrified.


"Croatoan" was a message left at Roanoke for the others so they could find the Lost Colony. It is actually a word of dark power and blood magic.


I know what I saw. It was real. But I could see in his eyes that he wasn't culpable.


Tell me, young man, have you ever heard of the term "gay for pay"?


You two look a fright! You ready to do things my way, now?


Matt: What did you do?
Shelby: I don't know what you're talking about.

Serve. Eat. Surrender thy soul to me.

Gaga Witch

American Horror Story Quotes

Billie: Her husband murdered her with an ice pick.
Constance: It's hard to keep good help.

I questioned my sanity when I first found out. But this house, this house will make you a believer.
