Matt: We need protection!
Policeman: Get a gun.
Matt: What?!

It felt like it was meant to be. Like the universe just wanted us to be there at that moment. I also thought, "There's no way we can afford that house."


They told us that it had been built in 1792. It was in great shape.


Our friends used to tease us that they didn't like socializing with Matt and I because we were too perfect. They'd get in fights on the way home from dinner with us because we made them feel like they weren't as in love as Matt and I were.


I know what I saw! It wasn't ice. There were human teeth, falling everywhere!


You think, today, prejudice is not going to rear its ugly head. But this is the South.


You don't have to be out in the world to be a part of it. In the modern age, no one ever has to be alone. Even for a second.


The only thing that takes the edge off is when I can pull people under with me. Make them feel what I feel. Then I'm not alone.


Sally: You telling us to stop telling guests is like Colonel Sanders telling people to stop eating chicken.
James: I'm not familiar with your military friend.

I'm dead, but I've never felt more alive.


You may beat me, but you're not getting out of here without a severe, life-long limp.

Countess [to Ramona]

Countess: It's not the Shalimar that gives you away. It's your blood. You're the only woman I've ever met whose blood smells like walnuts.
Ramona: Yours smells like black licorice.

American Horror Story Quotes

Billie: Her husband murdered her with an ice pick.
Constance: It's hard to keep good help.

I questioned my sanity when I first found out. But this house, this house will make you a believer.
