Look, I would trust a blind proctologist over her, but you know the deal.

Ash: Poor fellow, guess he didn't have the heart to carry on without me.
Kelly: Or the food.

Holy pickle dicks!

Tommy: You've got some huge balls showing yourself in this town.
Ash: Yeah, I do. Notice I never wear gym shorts?

Homeless Man: You!! You ruined my LIFE!
Ash: I've ruined a lot of people's lives, sir.

Ash: Check it out. I'm better, stronger...
Brock: Faster? Bullshit. It looks like some piece of shit made in China.

Kelly: You think Ruby's here? In a crack house.
Ash: No. It's my house. At least it used to be.
Kelly: Oh. It's...nice.

Ash: Pablo, first round of 'ritas is on you because...
Pablo: Oh! Because it's the drink of my people!
Ash: That's a little racist, don't you think?

Deadite: Your truce is over Ashy Slashy.
Ash: What'd you call me?

I have fought with Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan and this fucked up shit is my only hope? Oh fuck, what a mess.


Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 Quotes

Deadite: Your truce is over Ashy Slashy.
Ash: What'd you call me?

I have fought with Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan and this fucked up shit is my only hope? Oh fuck, what a mess.
