Pablo you don't see another eyeball around here do you?

Ash: Take the wheel.
Chet: How do you THINK I feel?
Ash: Take the WHEEL!

Chet: Dude, there's a chainsaw in my back seat.
Ash: Yeah, that's mine.
Chet: What's it for?
Ash: Um...Ice sculpture.
Chet: Oh...and the shotgun?
Ash: That's mine too.
Chet: What's THAT for?
Ash: In case they don't pay for the ice sculpture.

Ash: Chet I got a great idea. If I drive, you can keep pounding brewskies the whole time.
Chet: I can stay hydrated!

Well pop, I guess it's time to ride the pale horse, up to the discount hardware store in the sky.

Ash: What the rice and beans is he doing here?
Brock: What the rice and beans are you doing here?
Ash: Hey, it's my question!

You are Ash Williams. Demon hunter, Deadite slayer, friend, hero...and Jefe.


You're the one that grew up your entire life looking for that book and you never found it. Me on the other hand, can't fart without tripping over that thing, and I fart a lot!

Pablo: Look at him. Man, that care has been with him through thick and thin, war and peace. I mean look at him.
Kelly: I mean, it didn't even have a CD player.
Pablo: True that.

Oh God, I'm in the butt! I'm in the butt!

Pablo: Sweet room Jefe!
Ash: Yep, lot of good memories in here. And there.
[Kelly jumps off Ash's bed in disgust]

Kelly: That is horrible...and also awesome.
Ash: Which is everything that I do!

Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 Quotes

Deadite: Your truce is over Ashy Slashy.
Ash: What'd you call me?

I have fought with Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan and this fucked up shit is my only hope? Oh fuck, what a mess.
