Frank: You don't seriously want me to disband the unit, do you?
Henry: A couple of years ago, I would have said no way. I would have stood up to those idiots out there. But I can't fight that battle anymore.
Frank: You shouldn't have to. But I can.
Henry: I'll tell you the truth. When I saw those people outside the restaurant, I was scared.

Danny: You're a real piece of work, you know that?
Bugs: I'm sorry, man. I didn't want them to kill my brother in jail, but I didn't want them to kill you either.

Garrett: Maybe we should give in on this one.
Syd: And get rid of an effective policing tool for no reason? If you give Kelly what he wants, he'll just be back next week with another demand.
Garrett: But disbanding this unit could take a lot of venom out of the protesters.
Frank: Appeasement is not an option. Not if you care about innocent people.
Garrett: When someone's robbed on the street? Do we say fight them for the gun? No, we tell them to hand over their wallet. Maybe we should take our own advice.

Danny: We're not arresting anyone yet.
Bugs: Why not?
Danny: Cause there's bigger fish to catch.
Bugs: You're gonna kill Hector with a fish?

Frank: I want you to stop sending your mobs against my senior citizens.
Kelly: I didn't send anyone anywhere. But the fact we are having this meeting is proof that my protest is effective.
Frank: No. It's proof of how pissed off I am that your people are bullying my old man. Knock it off!

We've been trying to get Poppa for months and you think you can just waltz in here and crack the case in two days?


Bugs: You want me to go undercover? No, no, you want me to get shot again! That's a terrible thing to do.
Danny: I didn't want you to get shot in the first place.

Erin: Abigail. I didn't know you were here.
Abigail: Could you close the door?
Erin: Did my father send you?
Abigail: No.
Erin: Does he know you're here?
Abigail: I didn't want to bother him with this.
Erin: You don't seem like the type to skip work lightly.
Abigail: I haven't taken a day off since I was assaulted.

One of my sons suggested I was less than generous in not accepting your resignation. I will accept it now if you are so inclined. Or else I want you to stand by me and stand up for your fellow police officers. Or, duck the rotten tomatoes thrown at me, which I suspect may be the case.


Hey jackass! Fifty dollar fake. You should know that by now.


Frank: Lester turned in his papers. End of tour Friday.
Jamie: So he's a casualty too.
Frank: Except I handed them right back. Told him that an active duty officer who is under investigation cannot resign.
Jamie: So you threw the book right back at him. Why not let him go in peace?
Frank: Because I can't fight this thing for all of us without this officer right by my side.

They say a broken watch is right twice a day, Teddy. So far you are 0 for 1.
