Frank: We deal in facts. And the fact is that the NYPD has had record turnover this year. I cannot afford to lose another good cop. And Lester is a good cop.
Garrett: So you're saying No to the mayor?
Frank: I am saying No to the conventional wisdom that says you can hound a person for the rest of his life until you get the result you want.

Danny: It's crazy. You can't turn on the TV without hearing that crime is going up in the city, and this moron is walking around with a three bedroom house on his wrist.
Baez: It's a free country, I guess.
Danny: Yeah, it is. But people are really struggling, trying to make ends meet. No watch is worth a million dollars.

Lester: I hate what happened. It eats me every day. But if I could do it all over again, I'd do the same thing. I'd have to.
Frank: So you're at peace with your decision?
Lester: I'm never going to be at peace.

Crawford: I want you to handle the interview yourself.
Erin: But -
Crawford: Green's confession is a big win for us and I don't want it undermined by his accomplice.
Erin: I understand that, but to pull off an ADA in the middle of a case -
Crawford: Happens all the time. Unless you have too much else on your plate.

Eddie: This is your one get-out-of-jail-free card, Diane. Use it well.
Diane: It's nice to finally meet one of the good cops.
Eddie: There are a lot more of us than you think.

Frank: You didn't say a word about my eulogy.
Henry: What do you want me to say? You ate all that crow, and you didn't take a sip of water.
Frank: Never kick a man when he's down, and this one was in his coffin.

Bill was an effective cop and a front and center PC during one of the most difficult times for this department. THat is one part of his legacy. However, he dishonored the department and this office in the end, and he did that with eyes wide open and both hands grabbing.


Julia: I know something you don't know.
Frank: Pretty much everyone does.

If he was so great, then ask yourself, why did he suddenly resign? And why was I, the chief of the department, asked to replace him the very next day?


Danny: Yeah, I know Maggie Gibson. I'll be right there.
Baez: Something happen with Maggie?
Danny: She was stabbed.

Frank: Something's up.
Baker: Erin is waiting for you.
Frank: Temperature?
Baker: Unreadable.

Knight's Daughter: He's a good dad but he has this unquenchable ego.
Baez: So when you found out he'd been unfaithful to your mother...
Knight's Daughter: Being unfaithful is one thing but banging my friend on the regular is another.