Evan: Uh, did you sleep on it?
Abby: Still sleepin' on it.
Evan: Nice dream you're havin'. Honored to be included.

My time in New York was amazing. I learned so much about myself. But now I know that this is home. Right here.


As much as the road to get there isn't one I'd wish on anyone, there is a silver linking in truly learning your own strength.


Evan: That misunderstanding got me thinking. What if it wasn't a misunderstanding.
Abby: What?
Evan: Would you go out with me?

Megan: But can you trust me?
Mick: Trust you not to leave me again? I don't know if I can.

I just wonder if he's just this really sweet guy under all that oddness.


Margaret: So, what did the doctor really say?
Connor: Apparently, I came about as close as you possibly can to having a heart attack without actually having one.

Are you asking my permission to court my daughter?


Nell: Meg, do you need anything dear?
Megan: No. [pause] Mick. I need Mick.

Evan, if you want to visit, you can just come visit. You don't need an excuse.


Evan: Mick. It's a miracle you're alive.
Mick: Yeah, I just realized that.

Why is doing the right thing so unrewarding?


Chesapeake Shores Season 5 Quotes

Abby: Well, have you tried asking Siri or Alexa or Google?
Jess: I was hoping a human would help me.
Abby: Ah, you're so old school.

Bree: You remember Jerome Trask?
Mick: You always remember people who weren't nice to your kids.