We’ve got to stand up for our people, even if it’s a tough fight.


Mouch: You go to church or something?
Cruz: Sometimes you gotta believe brother!

Herrmann: I'm going to make a firefighter out of you.
Dawson: That's exactly what I want.

Dawson: How was your day?
Casey: Lieutenant problems. Severide.
Dawson: How bad is it?
Casey: He's slipping away.
Dawson: You of all people know what it's like to lose someone close to you, baby. What pulled you out?

Casey: To your first day as a firefighter.
Dawson: And yet I almost got a guy killed and my Lieutenant yelled at me.

Casey: You know, how you spend your time off shift, that's your business, but people in this house count on you.
Severide: You know what I can count on? Nothing. No one. So why don't you and everyone else in this house just leave me alone. Really.

Peter, this choice that you made is commendable, but I feel compelled to tell you that other firefighters have gone down this road only to find themselves chasing ghosts.


Injured Lady: Maybe you missed your calling.
Severide: My best friend was a medic. She drilled this stuff into me.
Injured Lady: Amen to her.

I'm not interested in a pissing contest. If Welch wants the fire, he can have it.


Casey: We heard about your statement. It took balls.
Molina: Yeah, well we reap what we sow, right?
Casey: So they say.

To Gaby Dawson! Welcome to Truck 81 baby!!


Leonard: You look just like your mother.
Mills: Yeah, you're damn right I do.
Leonard: So I guess I'm your grandfather.
Mills: I guess so.
Leonard: Peter. Peter. I sure am glad to know you.

Chicago Fire Season 3 Quotes

Hey. You said Shay told you we'd be great together. I choose to have that memory of that day.


Shay: Yo. Put it back in your pants lieutenant. You're not my type.
Kelly: You never know.
Shay: Do you have a vagina? I'm gay. Fully gay. My drink's tequila.