George: We can always continue this conversation.
Sharon: Is that your subtle way of asking me if I'll support your nomination?
George: No, ma'am. It's my very unsubtle way of asking you if you'd like to meet for drinks tonight.

Asher: So you requested DCFS be called? Why?
Liza: When I held my little girl for the first time, I could feel her depending on me for everything. I broke.
Asher: Liza...
Liza: These last few months have been the hardest of my life. It took everything in me to stay sober. But I did it, for her. And now I... I just... I can't muscle my way through this.
Asher: Okay, I've been there. Every time I got sober for someone else, a family member, a partner, it lasted a year at most. Every time, I'd relapse. It finally stuck when I got sober for myself.

Hannah: You had no right to make that call!
Archer: Give us the room please.. [After Zach leaves] You do not dress me down, ever, and not in front of a resident!
Hannah: I repeat, you had no right to make that call!
Archer: What are you talking about?
Hannah: The DCFS call about Liza. You knew I was working on it.
Archer: I didn't! I'm serious.
Hannah: Then who the hell did?

Hannah: You. have no idea how hard Liza worked to stay sober.
Archer: I don't doubt that, but we just found her strung out on heroin.
Hannah: She was exhausted after a brutal labor and a serious lapse in judgment, but I know she can get back on track.
Archer: Hold it. You're not actually suggesting we send a baby home with that woman?
Hannah: Of course not. But I want to find a sober living situation for Liza. A facility where she can still receive treatment while still caring for her baby.
Archer: You are swerving so far out of your lane. Not to mention you are mandated to report this to the appropriate authorities.
Hannah: Not until I find a way to keep Liza and her baby together.

Charles: I don't see why we can't give our lowest paid employees even a 6 percent raise.
Sharon: It sets a bad precedent with all the other unions. Once we finish with this, the nurses union and the plumbers union will want raises too.

Woman: So you want to surgically attach Rob's hand to the back of his leg?
Marcel: It's called ectopic banking.

Asher: You may need a C-section.
Liza: No, I don't want that.
Asher: One step at a time. First let's see if this medicine works.
Doctor: Baby's heart rate is going back up.
Asher: That's really good. [To other doctor] Keep an eye on her and let's keep an OR open. If the baby's heart rate drops again, I'm doing an emergency C-section.

Liliana: I can't eat. My stomach is tied in knots.
Charles: What's wrong?
Liliana: My friend says we may be out of work soon.

Doris, Room 7, there's a hypochondriac with a hangnail.


You know me, Hannah. You know my history. Please. I can't do this without you.


2.0 is to surgery what GPS is to travel.
