Move away from the vortex, Desna. That bitch will suck you in.

Quiet Ann [to Desna]

Look, they have a color called Evil Twin. C'mon, that's funny.

Lillian [to Polly]

Wedding saleswoman: We have one One-Percenter room in the back, but there's nothing under $5,000.
Jenn: $5,000? That dress better slap your ass and play with your nips.

Matilde [to Desna]: That is not a wedding gown. That is for the drag queen, the Rupaul.
Jenn: Boo Boo, that's a compliment.

Zlata: Ready to make partnership official? We make a pretty good team.
Desna: I am not. I was just curious.
Zlata: Curious is the first step to commitment. Next step is anal. But we skip that.
Desna: Excuse me?

Well, in a Bradenton Regional Bank first, we are going to have to deny a cute, young, white couple a home loan. Between your criminal record and your $12-an-hour job, it's not going to happen.

Banker [to Bryce and Jenn]

Roller: Yeah, he said some shit about vaginal interrogation.
Clem: Vertical integration.

Thank you, Bryce. I never thought you'd be so kind on me after I hit your wife's sweet pussy.

Hank [to Bryce]

Game recognizes game, baby.

Roller [to Desna]

Virginia: I thought [Polly] was different, not different different.
Desna: We all got a little something.

Desna: That's your past, baby. You got to leave that thing there. You gotta move forward, Pol.
Polly: I don't know, Des. I think I've wasted all this time trying to be anything but what I am -- broken.
Desna: Polly Pol, we are all broken.

Desna: We are criminals, Polly. And it's time we own it and take what belongs to us.
Polly: I like how you're thinking.
Desna: I've got a mind for this thing, and it's time we stop fighting it.

Claws Quotes

Desna: How about next time you wait until I got my Spanx off?
Roller: Nobody's got time for that.

Virginia: Looks like I missed the party.
Jenn: You wouldn't have if you were on time for once in your dirty life.