Guys like you should be more scared, you trust-funded, body-spray, Eli Roth DVD-owner.


Jeff: This decision has to be yours, T-Bone. And this decision has to be yes.
Troy: How did you know my nickname was T-Bone?
Jeff: Because you're a football player. And your name begins with "T."

I'll see you on the other side inspector, wherever that is.


Don't be Mike Brady. Mike Brady's not sexy. You should be like Jo from Facts of Life.


Britta: I'm willing to try some more mainstream feminine stuff.
Jeff: Well, then you should know that nothing says "I'm a woman" like... doing it with me.
Britta: Nothing says "I'm a pig" like you

Coach: You're not in uniform
Jeff: Yeah about that. We seriously have to play pool in shorts?
Coach: If you play in this class it's regulation.
Jeff: Regulation pool or regulation you?

Annie: Shirley, I'm speaking for both you and me.
Shirley: Then you might want to teach your mouth to say "we," "our," and "us."

I failed Annie. I'm no more of a song writer than you or Billy Joel


I just wanted to see what the deal is. And obviously the deal was he's a dirtball and Britta hates herself, voila.


So what Britta you're in love with a guy named after a kickboxing vampire movie?


The dean is counting me on. I have to make sure he knows someone he can trust. We have to break into his office.


Jeff: Just this morning as I was shaving while listening to some Jay-Z, I was thinking about going for a gallop.
Secretary: Do you own a horse?
Jeff: Can you ever really own a horse?

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
