How come I'm not best friends with anyone in the group?


Oh it's a drawing of Abed with hearts all around it. Strictly speaking, the bible condemns this level of friendship.


Britta: I'm not gonna sit while some hokey tribunal gets its jollies judging me.
Jeff: Hey, if you show up with me, follow my lead, and deny everything, you'll walk. That's the Winger guarantee.
Britta: I get it. You think you're gonna save my bacon using your lawyer powers and send me into fits of grateful arousal.
Jeff: I can neither confirm nor deny that. See how good I am?

Troy: That's it, we're arm wrestling.
Abed: Like Stallone in Over the Top? I'm not sure about the rules, don't I need a semi truck and a ten year old son?

We spend too much time together.


Maybe we should brainstorm fundraising ideas that AREN'T bake sales OR zoos where the humans are in cages and the animals come to visit.


Hank Hickey: So, Dad, I'm just curious--what is it about Dungeons and Dragons that suddenly leaped out at you at age 60?
Professor Hickey: Dungeons. It'd be the dungeons.

That was the first 20 seconds of a 40 minute conversation. Very informative.


You look about ready to marry Courtney Love.

Britta [to hungover Jeff]

Happy last day before winter break. Time to visit our loved ones. Some of you will travel as far as 3 miles! Don't forget to visit our winter wonderland in the quad where were giving away up to six semester of free classes. Wow, what's that sound? Is that the tip tapping of secular boots on on the roof? That must be another sign that it 'tis the season because rumor has it that non-denominational Mr. Winter is on his way to the student lounge.


Jeff! It's bad luck to see the graduation before the graduation!


I can't believe you guys hate me more than Pierce! Or anything more than Pierce!


Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
