Whoop-de-freakin' doo. My best friend is sleeping with my ex behind my back. Who cares? I don't. But I could if I wanted – (puts fist into that wall)


Dude, you're getting sober, you're not turning into a robot. It's okay to have feelings.


So Greg knows that you and Rebecca are together? Oh no – Greg is probably freaking out.

White Josh

The funny thing is - and not haha funny, sad funny - the reason I got a DUI is because I was driving over the next morning to tell you that I loved you. But I blew my shot, and that's my fault. Life went on without me. And you and Josh? You should be happy together. You're happy, right?


Rebecca: It's like you don't even believe in me and Josh anymore!
Paula: I used to think that you two had destiny on your side, I really did -
Rebecca: PAULA!
Paula: But I hate to say it, but I don't think Josh cares about you the way you want him to.

I gave him the key to my heart, and now I'm giving him the key to my ap-HEART-ment.


There's something missing in my life, and I don't know what it is.


Rebecca: But Greg's not an alcoholic...oh.
Paula: Yeah, I called that one.

Until this is cleared up with Greg, you and I are on pause.


Dude! I'm grown up!


Paula: What you've got with Josh is an AirBnB with benefits.
Rebecca: You are so wrong!

After everything I've done for you, that you didn't ask for, the least you can do is be honest with your mother- I mean, friend.


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Quotes

Rebecca: Where are you from again?
Josh: West Covina, California. 91791!
Rebecca: West Covina, I remember that. That's near the beach, right?
Josh: Yeah, only two hours...well, four in traffic.

Dear God, I don't pray to you because I believe in science. But I don't know what to do. Give me guidance, please. Ah-men. A-men. Amen?

Rebecca Bunch