Agent Hotchner: Another body's been found a half mile from the first victim's, same MO.
Agent Morgan: That's six hours later, this guy's not wasting any time.
Hotch: We land in 20 minutes. Reid, you and JJ go to the latest crime scene. Rossi, you and Prentiss talk to Garrett's widow while Morgan and I go to the prison. If Garrett's got a disciple we better find out who he is and fast.

You needed me and I wasn't there.

Sandy [to JJ]

Agent Rossi: Emily, you asked earlier if she's going to a Renaissance fair. There could be something to that.
Prentiss: Based on the dress there could be more of a connection to history than to the occult.
Reid: Renaissance fairs typically replicate 16th century England. They've surged in popularity since they began in the 1960s.
Garcia: And it's not just a bunch of nerds in costumes eating turkey legs, you guys.
Hotch: Well that different time is somehow very important to this UnSub.

Daria: I loved him. That's why I did those things. After a while he didn't even have to ask me to do it, I just did it.
Morgan: Wait a minute. Did you torture people on your own?
Daria: That's what he wanted. He loved me. He kept me for a whole year. The other ones he just had for a few weeks.
Morgan: Daria would you hurt someone again, if Joe asked you?
Daria: If he wanted. He's my boyfriend. I loved him. I still love him

Cameron: My name is Cameron Patterson. I'm a soldier. 53699
JJ: Is that what he told you to say? Cameron you don't have to say that ever again. We're going to take you to your mom and dad.

Morgan: My team was never in danger.
Montolo: You don't know that.
Morgan: This house doesn't have a landline.

Reid: I hope it didn't sound like I was dismissing your instincts.
Rossi: And my 40 years of experience?

Rossi: You've had intrusive thoughts about murdering them ever since Cryus, haven't you? Ohhh. That's a yes. There's a term for what you're going through. It's called devolution.
Elias: Yes, I know what devolution is.
Rossi: Then you know it never ends well.

Other than being moral repugnant, he's as clean as a whistle, if he weren't so morally repugnant.


Never take statements from people speaking in tongues.


I used to think they were all monsters too. But they're not. They're just men, and occasionally women. Not to respect the people I hunt would be like a soldier not respecting his enemy, and that mistake costs lives.


JJ: I was scared.
Rossi: Yeah I was too.