Brian, I'm not laughing.


I strongly believe that men like Daniel Cullen and Peter Lewis belong in 5-by-8-foot cells where they can live out their lives as failures, instead of dying thinking they accomplished something.


I try not to think about the ones I couldn't catch. I prefer to think about the ones I'm gonna save.


Hayden: Oh, this reminds me of that morning in Budapest.
Rossi: As I recall, that particular breakfast lasted all day.
Hayden: Well we could try that again. Except you'd have to call in sick.
Rossi: That's very tempting.

Police: Lower your gun.
Hotch: Who sent you?
JJ: Hotch.
Hotch: This is a mistake
Jack: Daddy, what's going on?
Hotch: It's okay Jack.
Police: On your knees, hands behind you back.
Hotch: Is this really necessary?
Police: Now.
Jack: Daddy...
Hotch: It's okay Jack. It's a big mistake and everything's going to be all right.

Hotch: I want my phone call.
Agent Ritchie: You haven't even asked why you're here.
Hotch: It doesn't matter. It's either a mistake or I'm being framed.
Agent Ritchie: This came in today at 7:23 a.m. [plays recording]
Operator: 911. What is your emergency? Hello? 911. Is anyone there?
Hotch: Today will change everything.
Operator: I'm sorry sir. Will you repeat that please?
Hotch: Today will change everything.
Agent Ritchie: What does that mean?
Hotch: I don't know because I didn't make that call.
Agent Ritchie: The call was traced to your cell phone. And voice recognition says it's you.

Have you always looked on the sappy side, or did that come out when you became a mother?


JJ: Your son framed a federal agent, and manipulated special weapons and tactics operatives to do it. So, here's the thing about SWAT: they don't like being manipulated. So now your son is on a "shoot first, ask questions later" list.
Antonia: I want him taken into custody, alive.
JJ: Of course you do. What mother wouldn't? Truth is, I can't really promise you what will happen if he gets caught.
Antonia: You won't let him get killed. I know you. You took an oath, you're too goody two-shoes to break it.
JJ: Yeah. Yesterday? Yesterday I wouldn't have. But that was before you son had armed men points guns in the same room as my son. So, when we find him this can go one of two ways.
Antonia: Promise me he won't get hurt.
JJ: Give me his name.

Mr. Scratch: It was March of last year. I dosed Agent Hotchner with a dissociative drug.
Interviewer: What did this drug do?
Mr. Scratch: It put you in a state where you experience a waking dream. Now, I try to get my victims to see their worst nightmares. But Agent Hotchner....well....he went in his own direction.
Interviewer: What do you mean by that?
Mr. Scratch: He started rambling about how I killed his team, which I expected. But then, he started to laugh, like he was delighted. And I'll be honest with you. In that moment, I was scared of him. Of what he could do to his own team. Or his own son for that matter.

Hotch: Today will change everything. What did you think? That was I going to blow up my team, turn my son into an orphan? And then - and this is the part I argue against in the profile - would call 911 and tell you what I was about to do?
Agent Ritchie: I want to believe you, but I can't.

Agent Ritchie: Who's Eric Rawdon?
Hotch: He's behind this.
Agent Ritchie: Maybe he's your partner.
Hotch: If that were true, you'd have evidence.
Agent Ritchie: I do. The storage locker, your name, the supplies...
Hotch: You're grasping. And I'll tell you why. You need me here as cover for missing a major terrorist incident.
Agent Ritchie: It's a prison break.
Hotch: Not to Rawdon. His dream has always been to set off a bomb In a major metropolitan area. Not for any political or ideological reason. He just wants to see a city burn. And you're letting it happen.
Agent Ritchie: Now you're grasping.
Hotch: Am I? Ask yourself one question. Am I more helpful here, mentally preparing the report to the sub-committee that's going to haul you in? Or out there, catching Rowdon?

Rossi: Do me just one favor. Before you make any decision, meet my team. They're the only family I have outside of you and Joy. I walked away thirty years ago. I'm not walking away this time. Please. Stay.
Hayden: One one condition. That we call our daughter back, together.