Six: So? What do you think we should do?
Two: Simple. First, we take back the blink drive. Then, we *kill Ryo Ishida*.

The secret ingredient is basil. [beat] And love. [another beat] But mostly basil.

Android [about her casserole]

It’s *easy* to lead in the good times. Much *harder* to do so in the bad. You suffer losses, begin to question past decisions, and that’s alright, but… as a commander, you *can’t* let the responsibilities weigh you down, because if you do, you will never move forward.

Commander Truffault

Just because you failed doesn’t mean it wasn’t right to try.

Vision Nyx

Three: Okay, I got a plan.
Anders: Let’s hear it.
Three: Step one, give me your gun.
Anders: I don’t think so.
Three: Are you kidding me?! You got two! You can barely hold onto one, let alone shoot!
Anders: I can shoot just fine.
Three: Yeah, it’s aiming that’s the problem! Come on, man, I just saved your life! You owe me one.
Anders: I saved your life on that station! We’re even!
Three: Oh, seriously?!

Two: Ever since we came out of stasis, we’ve been fighting against our pasts. No matter what the odds, we’ve been trying to be better, and… we keep failing.
Six: No. As long as we keep *trying*, we know we’re better. That’s all that matters. Sure, it’d be easier to be the bad guy and not give a damn, but it’s not what we are. Not anymore.

Anders: I don’t always agree with our methods. But the GA is a force for law and order, and that is something I believe in.
Three: Well, if I’m right, and we’re headed for corporate war, law and order will be the first thing to go.

Three: I am not the bad guy.
Anders: Your outstanding warrant would suggest otherwise.
Three: Okay, I am *a* bad guy, but I am not *the* bad guy!

Three: Are you really gonna be this stubborn?
Anders: Stubborn enough to keep one of the galaxy’s most wanted locked up? Hell, yeah.

Commander Truffault: Wouldn’t now be a perfect time to use that blink drive of yours?
Android: It would be. If we still had it.
Commander Truffault: Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding.

We’ve got to stop thinking of him as our friend. He stopped being that the moment he downloaded Ryo Ishida’s memories. The Four we knew is gone.

Two [about Ryo/Four]

Don’t make her a damsel in distress. She’s a hell of a lot better than that! She knew going on that station was a risk. She thought it was worth it...

Two [about Five]

Dark Matter Quotes

Nyx: Okay, okay, I'll come quietly. You don't have to use that thing on me.
Guard: You kidding? [shoots her with a stun gun] It's the highlight of my day.

Oh, and thank you so much for telling me how to do my job. It's greatly appreciated.

Warden, sarcasm mode engaged