My name is not Four. I am Ishida Ryo. Emperor of Zairon.


Hi, your Majesty! My name is Five, and I'm here to rescue you!


Oh, Ryo. I didn't believe you back then because you were persuasive. I believed you because I was in love with you. You idiot.


Five: Try the red ones!
Three [pops a fruit in his mouth, gags]: Ugh!
Five [grins]: Yeah, I know, they're super sour, huh?

Two: You okay?
Three: I've been shot. What do you think?!

Five: I'm not gonna abandon you! After what happened to One, I'm not ready to lose another friend.
Three: 'Friend'? Are you kiddin' me? I'm not your friend! I don't give a rat's ass about you, I never have! If it was up to me, I'd drop you off at the nearest space station and never look back. I think you are a pain in the ass, know-it-all little brat. You're a burden to the ship. You know what I wish? I wish I'd spaced you when I had the chance. Oh, is it you're cryin' now? Is that it? You're tearin' up like a little baby? Why is that? Is it 'cause I hurt your feelings?
Five [tearfully]: No. No. I'm crying because I know what you're trying to do.

You're part machine yourself, right? Maybe you felt a connection, or maybe she was the only one on the ship you could stand to be around. That much I'd buy.


She's a collection of programs. And when those programs go haywire, we gotta deal with it.

Three [regarding The Android]

Are we sure it's a good idea to let Three have a gun?


Four: So you created her to monitor your behavior, but then you deleted the results?
The Hologram: Most likely to protect herself. Another indication of aberrant behavior.
The Android: I didn't delete anything. An indication *you* don't know what you're talking about.

Two: Was it at least a *nice* dream?
The Android [long, long pause]: It was okay.

The Android: Hot chocolate? ...Did you know that I possess over 20 million taste receptors?
Five: Um... do you want a sip?
The Android [immediately]: Okay!

Dark Matter Quotes

Nyx: Okay, okay, I'll come quietly. You don't have to use that thing on me.
Guard: You kidding? [shoots her with a stun gun] It's the highlight of my day.

Oh, and thank you so much for telling me how to do my job. It's greatly appreciated.

Warden, sarcasm mode engaged